From Lee Fowler - Smokers Forums "Smokey the Werewolf"
It arrived
very shortly after you told me to expect it, and I love it. That it's gorgeous goes without saying, but it's so perfect for
it's intended use it's rather amazing. I don't think it's my imagination that I'm having an easier time smoking to the bottom
of the bowl with fewer relights and with no relights more often now that I'm using the Icon tamper. I've also gotten a couple
nice comments about how nice it looks from non-smokers at bars, etc.
only time I've found myself reaching for any other tamper at all since I've received my Icon is when I'm sitting here at my
desk and I finish a bowl to loosen the ash and dottle in order to dump it. This can be done with the slanted end of the Icon,
so if I'm out and about it's the only tamper I carry with me, but it's a little easier with the spoon end of an aluminum pipe
nail, so if I'm sitting here and one's handy I'll grab it. Other than that, it's my Icon all the way.
do hope your proud of your design, because to my thinking the Icon is just about the perfect pipe tamper.
Feel free to use any of my comments as you see fit.