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Agility is the skill that allows us to swing, climb, jump, crawl and squeeze through small spaces. Using this skill allows us to gain access to all sorts of new areas, items and monsters. There are different places to train Agility, but they all depend on your level. Here is a short guide on how to raise your agility level.


Gnome Stronghold:
The first place to train agility is the home of it all! It is located North West of Ardounge, When you get there, there should be a women outside that needs help, help here to get in, Go north a little and the Agility area is on the Right(East). The gnome stronghold obstacle course is the best place to train until you reach level 35 agility. The stronghold course gives you 90xp for every time you complete it. If you have to stop and rest, be sure you start from where you left off or you will lose your bonus for completing the course. When you reach level 35, which is the level you need to move onto the barbarian outpost course, you can train at the Barbarians outpost.

Barbarians Outpost:
It is North East of Ardougne. To gain access to the Barbarian Outpost, you must first complete there bar crawl, which consists of buying weird potent drinks from 5 bars, there are 2 bars in Varrock (one is near wilderness entrance), one bar in Falador, one bar in Port Sarim, and the last of the five is in Brimhaven (Karamja Island). Once youre allowed in, you must have level 35 agility to start the agility course. Be sure to bring food, because some of the falls here can be dangerous. When you reach level 40 you can access the first area of the Agility Dungeon.

Agility Dungeon:
The Agility dungeon is located North of Yanille and south of the fight arena. When you reach 40 agility, you are able to train on the ledge here, but watch out, if you fall you will be surrounded by poisonous spiders, so ensure you bring a cure poison potion! To go any further on this course, you need level 49 agility and to complete the course, you will need a 59 and 67 agility. For the next course, the Wilderness course you need level 52 agility.

Wilderness course:
The Wilderness course is located in the far North West corner of the wilderness. If you can avoid getting killed by other players, when you are level 52 agility, this is a good place to train. Take a lot of food because pkers will surely come after you. After you level up some more, you are able to access more of the Agility Dungeon, to check the areas and the level you need to get into them, look into the table below.

Falador West Bank: (from NRG STYLEZ)
You can climb over the wall by using the handholds as a short cut going west to east, but you can't climb over them climbing east to west. Level 5 agility required.

Other places:
There are other places that agility comes in handy, for instance, Edgeville Dungeon. The Shilo Village quest and the Underground Pass quest also use agility greatly. The main reason to work on agility is so that you can access new areas of the world of Runescape. I can just imagine some day soon needing a extremely high agility to scale a cliff side to get some item for a quest, or hey maybe they will allow you to walk on water if your agility measures up.

Gnomeball, Runescape's equivalent to football can be played at the Gnome Pitch (North end of Gnome Stronghold) and offers some agility some ranging exp and also a break from all that serious training. The Basics of the game are, you get possession of the ball and you have to run to the goal area, and shoot. The danger of this game however is that the other Gnome players WILL tackle you if you get close to them while you have the ball and this causes a loss of hitpoints, so it is safer to avoid them. You can tackle them back by simply right clicking, and clicking tackle, and if you really want to keep the ball then pass to the Gnome Ballers at the halfway line as they will pass long to give you an advantage. When in the goal area (you know when you are there because the camera will zoom in) click on the ball in your inventory, and you will shoot at the goal, for ever goal you score you will gain 10 ranging and agility exp, if you score 5 goals in a row you receive a congratulations message and 55 additional agility and ranged exp.


Agility Table
Agility Obstacle
Level Needed
Exp. Gained
Log Gnome Stronghold 1 8
1st Net (Climb up) Gnome Stronghold 1 7
1st Watchtower (Climb up) Gnome Stronghold 1 8
Rope Swing Gnome Stronghold 1 7
2nd Watchtower (Climb down) Gnome Stronghold 1 8
2nd Net (Climb over) Gnome Stronghold 1 7
Pipe Gnome Stronghold 1 8
Completing Course in order Bonus Gnome Stronghold 1 45
Pipe (Entrance) Barbarian Outpost 35 5
Rope Swing (over rock pit) * Barbarian Outpost 35 20
Log * Barbarian Outpost 35 13
Net (climb up) Barbarian Outpost 35 12
Ledge (over rock pit) * Barbarian Outpost 35 20
1st Low Wall (jump over) Barbarian Outpost 35 5
2nd Low Wall Barbarian Outpost 35 5
Completing Course In Order Bonus Barbarian Outpost 35 80
Poison Spider Ledge (bring Cure Potion!) * Agility Dungeon 40 23
Skeleton Pipe Agility Dungeon 49 7
High Level Rope Swing * Agility Dungeon 57 27
Rock Pile Agility Dungeon 67 13
Open Gate To Cross Bridge * Wilderness Agility Course 52 23
Squeeze Through Pipe Wilderness Agility Course 52 12
Swing On Rope * Wilderness Agility Course 52 25
Balance On Rocks * Wilderness Agility Course 52 20
Balance On Ledge * Wilderness Agility Course 52 20
Climb Up Vines To Complete Course ** Wilderness Agility Course 52 472
Complete Course and Ledge Crossing Wilderness Agility Course 52 494
McGruber's Log (to Coal Trucks) West of McGrubor Woods 20 9
Glough's Watchtower Gnome Stonghold 25 7
Tree Swing West of Yanille 30 12
Hand Holds Yanille Watch Tower 42 13
Tree Swing Brimhaven (Near Scorpions) 10 7
Hand Holds Barbarian Course 35 7
Hand Holds Taverly to Falador West Bank 5 12
Rock Climb * Shilo Village Quest 32 3
Rock Jump * Shilo Village Quest 32 2
Bridge Blockade Jump * Shilo Village Quest 32 0
Log To Island * Shilo Village Quest 32 3

   * Damage may be taken if you fail or you may fall into an area where things will attack you, bring food to heal
   ** A level 32 skeleton guards the vines.