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Fighting Stats

There are 7 skills that can affect your combat level, but depending on how you fight, it will be made up of less.

  1. Attack - How much control your character has with their weapon. A higher level means they are more likely to actually hit your enemy.
  2. Defense - How your character protects themselves. A higher level means less chance of getting hit, and less damage taken.
  3. Strength - How strong your character is. Higher levels mean a stronger hit.
  4. Hits - Measure of damage your character can take. When it reaches 0, your character dies.
  5. Magic - How good you are at casting spells.
  6. Prayer - Your level of being in contact with the gods of RuneScape.
  7. Ranged - How good you are with a bow.

What Affects Combat Level?


Warriors Mages Rangers
Attack, Defense, Strength, Hits, & Prayer Defense, Hits, Prayer & Magic Defense, Hits, Prayer & Ranged

Combat Styles

As soon as you're engaged in combat with an enemy, you have a tough choice: which combat style to use! The choices are: controlled, aggressive, accurate, and defensive. The difference between them is simple, but a math lesson never combat style

Sal's Explanaition:

OK. Every whole number can be divided into fourths (¼). Now let's think of each battle as a whole number 1. There are 4 parts to the battle. Hits will always be trained, and it is 1 part or ¼, leaving 3 parts or ¾ to the other skills. Depending on the style you choose, the points could be divided up evenly, meaning 1/3 of the remaining experience goes to attack, defense, and strength. Or, 1 skill can get the remaining ¾ experience.

Example: You kill a monster with 100xp to give. ¼ goes to hits, or 25xp. Fighting on controlled would give 25xp to each fighting skill, while fighting on anything else gives 75xp to that skill.

Different Styles

  • Controlled - each skill (attack, defense, strength, and hits) receives 1/3 the xp.
  • Aggressive - ¾ the xp goes to strength.
  • Accurate- ¾ the xp goes to attack.
  • Defensive - ¾ the xp goes to defense.

Picking a Fight

Alright, sometimes those guards deserve a good bashing or two to teach them a lesson. But even if you're a trigger-happy person, you should know your limits. the simple rule of thumb is:

Green makes a fight clean;
Yellow could really hurt a fellow;
Red and you'll be dead.

So what exactly does this mean? Well, if you hover over an enemy, it will display their name, and combat level in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. If the combat level is green, like this:guard level 28 then you will most likely be able to kill your opponent. If it's red, it may not be too good of an idea to attack it.

attacking a guard

Green Bars indicate how many hits you have left. When it becomes completely red, your character will die.

Damage is shown in the starts appearing over the combatant being hurt. Damage  done to the enemy is done in blue, while damage done to you is in red.

danger!The Wilderness

The Wilderness is a dangerous place where players can attack and kill each other. It takes up a huge part of northern RuneScape, and inside is a vast area of terrain, monsters, and even treasures to be found!


But, players can also attack you in the Wilderness! People who wander the Wildernesswilderness level 3 looking for a fight are called PKers, but not everyone in the Wilderness is looking for a kill. Once you enter the Wilderness, the level you are in will show up in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. this is important because only people in your level range can attack you.

Example: If I'm level 18 combat, and in level 3 Wilderness, I can be attacked by people levels 15-21. If I venture into level 15 Wilderness now, I can be attacked by people levels 3-33.

Tip - It's always a good idea to have a teleport spell ready when in the Wilderness, but they are not allowed past level 20.oops...

The Skull

Normally, when you are killed by monsters or in the Wilderness, you can keep your 3 most valuable items. But, if you attack a player in the Wilderness, a scull will appear over your head for 20 minutes, which others can see. During this time, if you die you loose all of your items.


duelThis is a Members-only feature that allows you to attack players anywhere in the game. Both players have the option of staking objects, like coins or other items. The winner of the duel (the one who lives) will get the staked items. Each player must agree on a set of rules before starting the duel:

  • No retreating - neither player can escape from the battle.

  • No magic - magic is banned from the battle.

duel options
  • No Prayer - Prayer can't be used.

  • No Weapons - a hand-to-hand combat without weapons.

Death oh dear

As in many games, death is something that you want to avoid in RuneScape. But, the end is inevitable, and many people will probably die at some point in the game. But don't worry, because you are always given a new life! When you die in the game, you are teleported back to Lumbridge. The only catch is that you only keep your 3 most valuable items. You never keep stackable items though.

granted a new life