Episode #12  Title: Chapter 12  Air Date: February 5, 2001
Bloods, Crips, and Tyronn Anderson

altercat.jpg (22528 bytes)On his way to school Harry nearly runs down a kid in the street.  He sees that he is being chased by a group of other boys onto school grounds and one of the assailants has a bat.  Harry leaps into action and chases the group. He finds them on the bleachers outside ready to beat Tyronn, (a student).  Harry tells them he has called security and the group takes off.  Tyronn is interviewed by Guber.  He asks the student if he is a member of a gang and Tyronn says no.  After all is said and done Guber assigns him to bathroom duty after school, scrubbing graffiti from the walls. Tyronn tells him he has choir practice, which gets a mocking response from Guber, but it turns out he really is in the schooltychoir.jpg (17694 bytes) choir and has an incredible voice.  Marilyn is the choir director and as she is rehearsing with Tyronn and the group after school Harry comes in and tells her that Tyronn may be in trouble.  Tyronn is mad at Harry for butting in to his problems.  Harry talks with him about why he's wasting his life in a gang and it turns out that Tyronn's own gang is beating him.  He tells Harry that it's because he's trying to get out.  Later Guber brings an officer to see Harry about Tyronn.  The officer tells him that the beating may be related to a murder that took place recently.  Harry talks with Tyronn again that evening as he is painting the bathrooms.  Harry knows that he is covering something up and wants Tyronn to tell him the truth.  He asks him about the murder.  In complete confidence Tyronn admits to murdering the kid only after Harry agrees to keep it a secret.  It was a late night self-defense shooting of another gang member who pulled his gun first.  Tyronn breaks down and confides in Harry, telling him that he can't take it anymore and wants to get out of the gang.   Harper questions Harry about Tyronn, but Harry keeps his promise and doesn't tell the whole story.  Harper can tell he is lying, but does not pursue it further at this point.   Harry and Lauren discuss the gangs of Boston, but Harry does not tell her what he has learned about Tyronn.  He decides to warn Tyronn about the cops snooping around and Tyronn reminds him that he has promised not to tell.  Harry struggles with the issue and as the show ends he watches Tyronn's choir practice once again, wondering what he should do.

The Milton and Lisa Affair comes to a Head

The most recent Sheryl Holt website shows Milton and Lisa swinging from a chandelier in a very suggestive pose.  Harper calls her in and asks her if there's any truth to it.  Sheryl admits that she knows only about the rumors, but has a gut instinct that it's true.  Lisa is upset and frantic about Sheryl telling Harper and the whole website issue. She speaks with Milton and is afraid of being found out.  Milton tries to calm her, but he's seems to be just as scared.  Harper asks Milton if any of the website is true and of course Milton lies, but Harper is onto him.  Lipschultz later tells Harper that he overheard Kevin and Milton talking about something to do with an affair earlier but isn't sure what he heard.  Harper tries to get more out of him, but Harvey knows nothing else.  Harper decides to call for Kevin.  He questions Kevin about Milton and he lies through his teeth and claims to know nothing.  Harper stares hard at Kevin and he has to look away.  Harper sees it as a dead giveaway.  Guber attacks the problem from a different side as he calls in Lisa's parents.  He tells them about a possible affair between their daughter and Milton, but admits that they have no solid evidence...yet.  The mother seems concerned, but the father is outraged and is determined to "Keep his eye on her".  Lisa and Milton meet once again at his home where he has decided to call the whole thing off.  They discuss it and Lisa is unwilling to just give it up.  She wants to just put it off until graduation.  After much debate she reluctabustedagain.jpg (18163 bytes)ntly agrees but asks for one more kiss which turns into one more "time" and they begin disrobing on the couch.  The father shows up and catches them and takes Lisa home.  Oooh boy.  He decides to tell Guber resign.jpg (17566 bytes) the whole thing.  Milton has to visit Guber the next day and Guber hands him his resignation papers and tells him if he refuses to sign it he will make it impossible for Milton to ever get a job anywhere ever again.  Milton signs it and walks out.  He then goes to Harper's office and tries to apologize for his actions, but it seems that Harper doesn't want to hear it and tells him to "just go".  Finally, Kevin goes to Guber and tells his about Milton's affair and explains that Milton thought he was dating a Harvard student at the beginning.  Kevin sees this as an attempt to clear Milton somewhat, but all Guber gets out of it is that Kevin knew and didn't tell.  From that he tells Kevin he's fired, and that's it!  Kevin storms out saying "You can't fire me".  

The Blob...NOT!

Christine tells Coach Riley that she wants to quit the team.  The coach is upset because they have a huge match against Belmont Hills coming up and he needs her.  She is upset because the names haven't stopped and she doesn't want to go on any more.  Later Lauren finds Christine crying in the showers.  She learns that Christine has just had a break-up she thinks the wrestling is what made him leave her and she doesn't want to go back.   Christine tells her that the name calling has just gotten worse and when she wrestles the whole crowd chants "Blob!"  Lauren talks with Kevin about Christine.  Kevin feels that its none of her business, Christine made a commitment to the team and if she quits now he feels that she is just letting the team down.  Lauren goes to the boyfriend Danny.  She asks him about the break-up and he tells her what it's like to be teased and just myname.jpg (19440 bytes) decided he couldn't take it any more.  Kevin goes to Christine one more time, trying to convince her to stay on the team.  He needs her to win, but she won't do it.  Harper sees her in the hallway and blobsign.jpg (18639 bytes) takes a moment to encourage her.  Apparently it worked because she shows up for the match and helps the team win while the crowd is wildly chanting "Blob, blob, blob!"  After the match is over she takes the mike and makes a speech thanking them for  supporting her and asking them to please call her by her proper name.  The crowd proceeds to chant "Christine, Christine, Christine!"  A very touching moment.




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