Episode #4  Title: Chapter 4  Air Date: November 13, 2000
The Charity Show

Marilyn is preparing a student charity show for the school.  The subject is basically a satiricalchshow.jpg (21378 bytes) view of the staff plus a few songs including a performance of "If I Were a Rich Man" by Lipschultz.   Lauren and Marilyn  try to explain to Harvey that all the cheering by the students each year is sarcastic and mean, not true cheering.  He can't and won't believe it.  He just thinks that Marilyn doesn't want him in the show because she's black and he's Jewish.  At the show Harvey sings his song and sees that they are jeering him.  He decides that next year he will sing a different song because they don't understand the "Rich Man" song.  At the end of the show as Guber is accepting the check on behalf of the charity, Marilyn comes onto the stage singing a very sexy rendition of  "These Eyes".  Marla joins in and Guber is totally embarrassed. 

The Election

caught2.jpg (18357 bytes)Lauren sees a boy and a girl in a secluded stairwell engaged in intimate contact.  She realizes they are two of the candidates running for student body president, Peter Nelson and Susan Potter.  She later meets with them and they ask her to keep her discovery a secret.  They don't feel that they did anything wrong; everyone does that kind of thing.  She is surprised at their nonchalance about the incident.  She agrees to say nothing in order to save the election as long as the girl pays a visit to Mr. Lick the counselor.  Coach Riley, faculty advisor to the student government, sets up an assembly so that candidates Peter Nelson, Susan Potter, and Jerry Schlum can make speeches about how they would be the best choice to serve the student body.  Peter comes up to the podium as the first speaker and announces to everyone that he is dropping out and defers all his votes to Susan.  Lauren finally realizes what is really going on and hurries to inform Harper that Peter threw the election for a sexual favor.  Harper and Guber question Peter about the incident.  He admits to the scheme but says it was Susan's idea, and that he just agreed to go along with it in order to spike Jerry Schlum's guns.  Harper suspends Peter and Susan, and makes plans to transfer the girl.  Her parents meet with Harper and they won't believe him when he gives them his reasons.  That's the last we see of Miss Potter.

Soccer Repercussions

One of the soccer players, John LeBlonde, is applying for the very prestigious Magna Club Award.  Harper won't endorse it because he refused to turn in his teammates for cheating, despite not participating in the act himself.  LeBlonde asks Lauren to plead his case.  She agrees that Harper is being too rigid.  He refuses to change his mind even though he himself isn't sure he's doing the right thing.  LeBlonde's parents also plead withjohnlaur.jpg (21767 bytes) Harper to give John the award, but he sticks to his decision.  Lauren later meets John in a stairway where he is seated, obviously depressed.  As she sits and talks with him John reveals that he's in love with her, and she doesn't know what to say.  She does, with some misgivings, let him put his head on her shoulder to comfort him.  Later in the day in one of Harvey's classes, a student makes sarcastic remarks about John's intelligent answers.  John leaps at the other student and tackles him.  During the skirmish John bites a chunk of the boy's  ear off and spits it at Harvey, hitting him in the forehead and sticking there.  The student is taken to the hospital and John is suspended after visiting Mr. Lick.  Later, Harper gets a call and heads to the hospital where John  is having his stomach  pumped after taking an overdose of pills.  The principal pages Lauren, who arrives as the doctor quietly breaks it to the distraught parents that John has died.  The parents blame Harper for John's ordeal, and we can see that the principal is now questioning his decision.

miltloui.jpg (15540 bytes)Milton gets a date?

Yes.  In a strange sort of way, wimpy Milton accepts a date with Louisa.  They decide to go to the charity show together as part of their date.  What will become of them?

No Juan in class

juan1e4.jpg (18167 bytes)Harry, after learning that Juan Figgis has quit school and is working in a fast food joint, decides to pay his now-former student a visit to find out why he dropped out.  Juan claims that someone has to support his family, and the only hours he can work are during school.  Harry poses as an INS agent and gets the manager to change Juan's hours to the evening shift.  He gets Juan to come back to class by offering to let the young man teach a lesson on something that interests him.  Guber thinks the Juan-teaching idea is crazy and wants to sit in on the class.  Juan, of course, chooses a very inappropriate topic which prompts the Vice-Principal to walk out.  Harry takes his lumps for that one but Juan prepares much more professionally for the next class and it looks like Harry has saved another student.  Yeah Harry!  



Home - Principal Harper - Vice Principal Guber - Secretary Louisa - Miss Davis  

Mr. Lipschultz - Miss Hendricks - Miss Sudor - Mr. Buttle - Mr. Senate - Coach Riley - Student BodyStaff

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