Christian Homeschooler's Association of South Eastern South Carolina
PO Box 58
Ruffin, SC 29475

CHASE SC Site Index

days to June 30th, 2004, the school year end for CHASE SC.

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All homeschoolers, and home schools should consult their attorney, or HSLDA for all legal matters.

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Types of Homeschooling

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Charlotte Mason
Classical Education

(Relaxed, Mixed Curriculum, Home Made, and Individualized)
Literature based
The Moore's
Principal Approach
Religion Based

(School-at-Home, Boxed Curriculum)
Unit Studies

(Natural Learning Method)
Virtual Schooling

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Charlotte Mason
Charlotte Mason utilizes 'living books' which are based on core subjects, and include a focus in the fine arts.

Charlotte Mason Homeschool Lists Charlotte_Mason.html

Charlotte Mason Homeschool Web Ring by Camrose Classical Academy

Donnell House - Different Types of Homeschool

Homeschooling and It's Many Faces - Homeschooling Methods

Homeschool World: Practical Homeschooling Articles: The Charlotte Mason Method

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Classical Education
"The core of Classical Education is the trivium, which simply put is a teaching model that seeks to tailor the curriculum subject matter to a child’s cognitive development. The trivium emphasizes concrete thinking and memorization of the facts of the subjects in grade school; analytical thinking and understanding of the subjects in middle school; and abstract thinking and articulation of the subjects in high school. Subjects unique to Classical Education which help accomplish the goals of the trivium are Grammar, the science of language usage; Logic, the science of right thinking; and Rhetoric, the science of verbal and written expression. Classical Christian Education is further characterized by a rich exposure to the history, art, and culture of Western Civilization, including its languages (Latin and Greek), its philosophy and literature (the Great Books of Western Civilization and the Christian tradition), and the development of a Biblical worldview with Theology in its proper place as the Queen of the Sciences."

This excerpt quoted from -
Classical Christian Homeschooling:
Introduction to Classical Education & Classical Education at Home.

Escondido Tutorial Service

Family Values At Home - Homeschooling

Homeschooling and It's Many Faces - Homeschooling Methods

Homeschooling -- Who Me?

Homeschool World: Practical Homeschooling Articles: Classical Education

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Is a period of time that a child does nothing at all after coming out of a public or private school setting. Usually the child is burned out, and has had some really negative experiences. However, some families may choose a time to deschool, just to reacquaint with each other and to research and find their common interests.

Deschooling: Homeschooling Anywhere with the Denver Northwest Homeschool Community

Donnell House - Different Types of Homeschool

John Taylor Gatto

Natural Life Magazine #52 - Finding My Deschooling Path

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(Relaxed, Mixed Curriculum, Home Made, and Individualized)
There's a large variety of ways that an eclectic homeschooler can choose to go with their homeschooling. They are usually considered to be a relaxed or laid back homeschooler, they may use a mixed combination of curriculum, home made curriculum, or individualized curriculum. They can operate as borderline unschooling or borderline school-at-home, or anywhere in between and be considered eclectic. Relaxed homeschoolers have many options available to them for home-schooling, as you have seen from some of them already mentioned. Many eclectic homeschoolers today are finding lots of free curriculum online to use with their own hodge podge of ideas and store bought curricula. The Internet offers endless information, games, and other resources for today's homeschooling family.

Donnell House - Different Types of Homeschool

Eclectic Homeschooling - A to Z Home's Cool Homeschooling

Eclectic Homeschooling on the Web

Eclectic Homeschool Online: A Creative Homeschool Community for All Homeschoolers

Family Values At Home - Homeschooling

Homeschooling and It's Many Faces - Homeschooling Methods

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Literature based
Literature based curriculum is just that, curriculum based on literature. You can design your own, purchase a prepackaged program (similar to unit studies), or pick and choose the literature based curriculum you want to use (similar to eclectic).

Beautiful Feet Books - Literature based Studies for Homeschoolers

Creating Literature Based Unit Studies - Horatio Hornblower

Homeschooling -- Who Me?

Sonlight: Christian Homeschool Curriculum, Resources & Education, Homeschooling Materials & Books

Unit Study Library: Free Unit Studies: Literature

Welcome to Five in a Row!

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The Moore's
Leaders in homeschooling and Christian education. They believe in teaching with low stress, low cost, high success and behavior. They believe in not subjecting your children to formal, scheduled study before age 8, to 10 or even 12, whether they can read or not.

Homeschool the Moore Formula way

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A method where learning is a natural, self-directed process which follows certain fundamental laws of nature. This method is committed to such principles, or laws of nature, that include observation, individual liberty, and preparation of the environment.

Home School Learning Network, Homeschool Resources and Links, Approaches

MEARTH's Montessori resources for parents, teachers, and homeschool.

Montessori Homeschooling - A to Z Home's Cool Homeschooling Method

Montessori Homeschooling - created by and for homeschooling families

Online Montessori & homeschool distance learning lessons and activities

What is Montessori?

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Principal Approach
The principal approach is also known as the Noah Plan, it's a learning system based on the Bible, Christian heritage, and the original Noah Webster dictionary.

Different Curriculum Approaches

Foundation for American Christian Education - Christian School and Homeschool Curricula

Homeschooling Resources - Types of Homeschooling

Noah Plan, The

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Religion Based
Curriculum based on your religion; to train your children in your beliefs, the way they should go. You can design your own, purchase a prepackaged program, use a religious based unit study, or pick and choose the religious based curriculum you want to use (an eclectic).

Approaches to homeschooling (Home Taught)

Heart of Wisdom homeschool curriculum materials and resources

Home Education Sites -- International and Specialty

Sonlight: Christian Homeschool Curriculum, Resources, & Education, Homeschooling Materials & Books

Theology/Religion/Catholic Education Resources

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(School-at-Home, Boxed Curriculum)
The most common type of curriculum is the traditional, pre-packed, or boxed curriculum shipped to you ready to use.

Annotated links for the different methods

Approaches to homeschooling (Home Taught)

Donnell House - Different Types of Homeschool

Homeschooling and It's Many Faces - Homeschooling Methods

Homeschooling -- Who Me?

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Unit Studies
A family may choose topics by brain storming, from a purchased unit study curriculum or guide, and/or a family may follow the topics in order of a unit study curriculum or guide. A family can design their own unit study for one topic, and purchase a premade unit study guide or curriculum for another topic. Unit studies can be based on people, places, things, time (history), and/or stories (literature).

Donnell House - Different Types of Homeschool

Family Values At Home - Homeschooling

Homeschooling and It's Many Faces - Homeschooling Methods

Homeschooling -- Who Me?

Life In America

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(Natural Learning Method)
Natural learning that is child-led. The parent offers assistance and guidance to the child as they explore their home, community, state, union, and the world. The child may be interested in learning about bees this week, computer designs and web sites next week, and perhaps, geology the following week. They may focus on a certain subject and explore it for months.

Approaches to homeschooling (Home Taught)

Donnell House - Different Types of Homeschool

Family Values At Home - Homeschooling

Homeschooling and It's Many Faces - Homeschooling Methods

Homeschooling Reflections

Homeschooling -- Who Me?

Schools Out Support (SC unschool support and network)

Unschooling or Homeschooling?

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Virtual Schooling
There are lots of resources on the Internet, that families can pull from and that students can use to learn. This is the very basic format of virtual schooling. There are high school programs, technical programs, and even college degrees available online through virtual schooling today.

While doing my research and looking for links to place in this section, I found several articles on virtual charter schools. Homeschoolers need to be careful if they sign up with a program to complete all of their children's schooling through virtual schooling. Make sure you know all of the facts, and check to see if you are considered a public school. If you do sign up under a charter public school, it is my understanding that you will be placing your family and your belief in God on hold during school hours.

Home School Court Report Vol. XVIII, No. 1, The -- Charter Schools

Homeschool High School Online Schools and Correspondence Schools List (Virtual schools listed too).

Junior Great Books for Homeschoolers

Scholastic Administrator

World Wide Home School

The Tutor

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An independent, non-denominational educational system that goes through all grades, it is designed to address the whole child: the head, the heart and the hands.

Homeschooling and It's Many Faces - Homeschooling Methods

Waldorf Homeschool

Waldorf Inspired Homeschool Support

We Homeschool - Resources for Waldorf Education inspired homeschoolers

Welcome to

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Afterschoolers consist of those parents that spend 15 minutes to several hours helping their children with homework, to assist them in their educational experience after school. Others are extremely disappointed with the public or private school that their children attend, and they purchase supplemental curriculum to aid their children with their studies after school. Some afterschoolers that become confident in their afterschooling methods, of assisting and teaching their children, will become homeschoolers.

Cohen- Teen Homeschooling - Afterschooling

Fairfax County Public Schools - Afterschooling

KiteCD - Variety of Home Education

KRL Homeschooling Bibliography

Peg's Homeschool Reviews

School's In Session - Afterschooling

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Many families 'get their feet wet', by trying to homeschool over the summer. They take this break from the public or private schools, and try summerschooling to see if perhaps homeschooling will work for them. Others utilize the summer break from the school system to assist and aid their children in subjects that they have failed, or had an extremely difficult time with in the school setting. Educationally speaking, what better way can you spend your summer?

For those unsure of homeschooling, summerschooling is the best answer for them! It will give them the hands-on opportunity to see how they and their children will function in the home school, before making a commitment that they are uncertain with, or that they may change their minds about later.

For parents that have students that need the extra assistance during the summer in order to succeed in the school system, we applaud you and your efforts to help your children. Continue, to help them throughout the school year by afterschooling, and weekend schooling too.

Galaxy- Homeschooling - Education

Just For the Summer - A to Z Home's Cool Homeschooling

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~ CHASE SC Home ~

Make sure to stop by our home page for lots of other great home school resources. Standardized Testing, Special Needs Homeschooling, Learning Modalities & Styles, Timeline Information, Portfolios, Questions About Diplomas, GED, and Transcripts are just a few of the resources waiting for you at our home page.

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~ About CHASE SC... ~ The Law ~ Explanation of the Third Option Law, 59-65-47 ~

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~ Free Forms For Home Schools ~

You don't want to miss out on this great resource, there's nearly 200 Free Forms for your homeschool!

Be Prepared, Evaluations, Assessments, Report Cards, Planners, Goal Sheets, Sample Letters, Transcripts, High School Course Credit & Syllabus, Diplomas, Journals, Logs, Checklists, Traveling Through Time Timelines, Other Helps for the Homeschool (Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies), Postcards, and Getting Organized in Your Home are the categories you can choose from.

Q. Can you provide other forms on your web site?
As time permits, we would be happy to serve you with as many forms as we can. Please email us and let us know what you'd like to see,

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~ Webmaster ~

Please contact our webmaster if you find any links that are not working, or if you encounter any difficulties maneuvering at the CHASE SC site.

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CHASE SC gives permission to all homeschooling support groups and individual homeschoolers (for personal use with homeschooling records only) to copy any CHASE SC information in its entirety if 1) copies are not sold at a profit (a reasonable charge for copying is acceptable), and 2) if you note on all copies that you 'Reprinted with the permission of CHASE SC, PO Box 58, Ruffin, SC 29475, Email address:, Web Site:' All rights are retained by CHASE SC for CHASE SC documents, information, and forms available throughout the CHASE SC web site.

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