The Path of the Ten Beneficial Actions
[Taisho 600]
Chinese translation by command of the Tang
by Tripitaka Siksanada
English translation by William J Giddings.
BE 2543
1.. Thus have I heard.
At one time the Buddha dwelt at the palace of the Sagara Nagas, together
with an assembly of eight thousand great bhikshus and a group of thirty-two
thousand bodhisattva mahasattvas.
2.. At that time the Bhagavan addressed the Naga Raja, saying, 'All living
creatures give rise to thoughts of various causes, perform various acts.
From these causes many wheels hastily turn.'
3.. 'Naga Raja, you see this assembly and everything in this great
ocean, the forms and appearances of all these species. Are they not
different? Amongst them all, none are not from a mind produced, caused by
beneficial or unbeneficial bodily, verbal or mental acts.'
4.. 'Also, mind is without form, cannot be seen or grasped. It is merely
an illusion arising from the accumulation of dharmas, ultimately without an
owner, without an "I" or "mine".'
5.. 'Even though each follows from an action, manifesting differently, it
is true that within there is no "doer".'
6.. 'Because all dharmas are completely indefinite, "self-nature" is,
such, illusory. The wise already know this and accordingly cultivate good
actions through which arise the five skandhas, ayatanas and dhatus.
Understanding the proper and right, are ones who see without revile.'
7.. 'Naga Raja, you look upon the body of the Buddha, born from one
hundred thousand kotis of merits. Adorned with all the appearances, a
bright light brilliantly shining, covering all this great assembly; eclipsing
immeasurable kotis of Ishvara Brahma Rajas. Of those who look respectfully
upon the Tathagata's body, there is none whose eyes are not dazzled.'
8.. 'You also look upon all these great Bodhisattvas of wonderful
appearance, dignified and undefiled. All of these arise from the
accumulation of beneficial merits and births.'
9.. 'Furthermore, all devas, nagas and others of the eight classes of
great powerful ones are also born because of the merits of beneficial
actions .'
10.. 'Now, amidst the great ocean, there are living creatures of crude and
coarse appearance, great and small, which emanate from various thoughts and
feelings, actions of body, speech and mind. All of which are not beneficial.
Because of this following on of action, each individual receives a result.'
11.. 'You must duly observe and learn whereby causing living creatures to
understand cause and fruition, to cultivate the habit of beneficial activity.
12.. 'You ought not move from this right view, not loosing again this
determination. Maintain the middle view, take joy in the field of all
merits, respect and nurture them. It is because of them that you too also
achieve the respect and offerings of humans and devas.'
13.. 'Naga Raja, duly know that bodhisattvas have a dharma able to
break-up all evil paths of suffering. What is it? That is to say, day and
night, to constantly reflect on, to contemplate and to examine beneficial
dharmas. '
14.. 'Now, all beneficial dharmas accumulate the more, thought by thought,
without containing the slightest fraction of imbenefit mixed within it.
Immediately enables all evil to be permanently severed, beneficial dharmas
rounded and full.'
15.. 'Always achieving the close affection of all the Buddhas,
bodhisattvas and the many groups of aryas, those who speak of the beneficial
dharmas say that human and deva bodies, the bodhi of the sravakas, the bodhi
of the prateyrekas and anuttarabodhi all rely upon such dharmas as these as
the root and means of accomplishment. For this reason they are called
beneficial dharmas. These dharmas are the path of the ten beneficial acts.'
16.. 'What are these ten? That is to say the permanent abandonment of
killing creatures (1), theft and robbery (2), wicked acts (3), deceitful speech
double-tongue (5), evil mouth (6), exaggerated speech (7), greed and desire (8),
rage (9) and wicked opinions (10).'
17.. 'Naga Raja, if the killing of creatures is abandoned then there is
successful achievement of the ten dharmas that eliminate distress. What are
these ten?
1) Fearless universal generosity towards all living creatures.
2) Constant arousing of a greatly compassionate mind for all creatures.
3) Permanent break-up of all seething and habitual anger.
4) Body constantly without illness.
5) Longevity is increased.
6) Constant protector for non-humans .
7) Never an evil dream, awakens joyous from sleep.
8) The bonds of enmity are removed, self-liberated from all hatred.
9) No spreading into evil paths.
10) At life's end there is birth as a deva.'
'These are the ten. If one can be dedicated to anuttarasamyaksambodhi
then, after becoming a Buddha, there is achievement of the Buddha's
determination over, freedom of, longevity.'
18.. 'Moreover Naga Raja, if theft and robbery are abandoned then there
successful achievement of the ten types of dharma able to protect
confidence. What are these ten?
1) A wealth accumulates that Rajas, raiders, water, fire, and unloving
sons cannot break-up or waste.
2) More people love and care.
3) Other people are not deceitful.
4) There is praise throughout the ten directions.
5) No fear of harm or evil.
6) Good name flows and spreads.
7) All places hold no fear.
8) Fortune, life, beauty, strength, safety and happiness, ability to
communicate are completely undiminished.
9) Constantly thinks generous thoughts,
10) At life's end there is birth as a deva.'
'These are the ten. If one can be dedicated to anuttarasamyaksambodhi
then, after the becoming a Buddha, there is achievement of the realisation
of mahabodhiprajna.'
19.. 'Moreover Naga Raja, if wicked acts are abandoned, then there is
successful achievement of the four types of dharmas praised by the wise.
What are these four?
1) All the senses are favourably balanced.
2) Noise and excitement are permanently abandonned.
3) There is praise and admiration in the world.
4) Wife is not violated.'
'These are the four. If one can be dedicated to anuttarasamyaksambodhi
then, after the becoming a Buddha, there is achievement of the Buddha's
appearance of withdrawn, concealed and hidden virility.'
20.. 'Moreover Naga Raja, if deceitful speech is abandoned then there is
successful achievement of the eight dharmas of praised by the devas. What
are these eight?
1) A mouth always clean and pure, as fragrant as utpala flowers.
2) In dealings, the whole world believes and gives respect.
3) Statements are reliable testimony, loved and respected humans and
4) Always calms and consoles living creatures with words of affection.
5) Achieves surpassing joy, the three acts of purity.
6) Speaks without false-promise, heart always joyous.
7) Utterances are held in respect, followed by humans and devas.
8) Transcendent prajna, unhindered and irrepressible.
'These are the eight. If one can be dedicated to anuttarasamyaksambodhi
then, after becoming a Buddha, the Tathagata's true and real speech will be
21.. 'Moreover Naga Raja, suppose the double-tongue is abandoned then
there is the achievement of the five types of unruinous dharma. What are
these five?
1) Achievement of an unruinous body, without any cause of harm.
2) Achievement of an unruinous family, without any cause that can break it
3) Achievement of an unruinous trust, causes of the good roots of karma.
4) Achievement of the unruinous path of dharma, so causing development to
become firm.
5) Achievement of unruinous beneficial knowledge, the cause of
'These are the five. If one can be dedicated to anuttarasamyaksambodhi,
then after the becoming a Buddha, there is the achievement of the right
family, that all demons outside of the path cannot ruin or destroy.'
22.. 'Moreover Naga Raja, if an evil mouth is abandoned then there is
successful achievement of eight types of pure act. What are these eight?
1) Speech is not strange or ambiguous.
2) Speech has value and benefit.
3) Speech is a certain bond.
4) Speech is phrased beautifully and fine.
5) Speech can be taken as guidance.
6) Speech that can be reliably used.
7) Speech without possibility of ridicule.
8) Speech is completely loved and enjoyed.'
'These are the eight. If one can be dedicated to anuttarasamyaksambodhi,
then after the becoming a Buddha, there is the achievement of the complete
Tathagata's sound appearance of the Brahma voice.'
23.. 'Moreover Naga Raja, if exaggerated speech is abandoned then there
successful achievement of the three types of certainty. What are these three?
1) Certainty of the affection of the wise.
2) Certainty of the ability of knowledge, the accurate reply to questions.
3) Certainty that amongst humans and devas, the majesty of virtue is
utmost, without any delusion.'
'These are the three. If one can be dedicated to anuttarasamyaksambodhi
then, after the becoming a Buddha, there is achievement of the Tathagata's
complete imparting of records, none of which is hastily rejected.'
24.. 'Moreover, 'Naga Raja, if greed and desire are abandoned then there
is successful achievement of the five types of ease. What are these five?
1) At ease over the three actions because all roots are perfected.
2) At ease over assets because no malicious thief can snatch them away.
3) At ease over merits because whatever the heart desires will be
4) At ease over 'the throne' because precious, rare and fine objects are
received and presented.
5) The excellency of the things acquired surpass a hundredfold those
originally sought after because previously there was neither miserliness nor
'These are the five. If one can be dedicated to anuttarasamyaksambodhi
then, after the becoming a Buddha, there is achievement of the respect of
the three worlds, all presenting offerings.'
25.. 'Moreover, Naga Raja, if glaring with rage is abandoned, then there
is the achievement of the dharmas of the eight types of joyful mind. What
are these eight?
1) A mind without injurious vexation.
2) A mind without anger and rage.
3) A mind without dispute or complaint.
4) A mind that is gentle and naturally honest.
5) A mind that achieves the compassion of the Aryas.
6) A mind that always acting to benefit living creatures.
7) Exalted with the physical signs, all offer respect.
8) Because of this harmony and patience, swift birth in the Brahma world.'
'These are the eight. If one can be dedicated to anuttarasamyaksambodhi
then, after the becoming a Buddha, there is achievement of an unobscured
mind, one who looks on without revile.'
26.. 'Moreover, Naga Raja, if wicked opinions are abandoned then there is
successful achievement of the ten dharmas of merit. What are these ten?
1) Achievement of all good thoughts of joy, true and good companions.
2) Deep belief in causes and their fruition. Would rather have peace, an
end to one's life, than to do evil.
3) Declare refuge in the Buddha, not the prolific devas.
4) Straight minded, of right view. Permanently abandoning the web of
doubts about fortune and misfortune.
5) Always born as a human or deva, never again an evil path.
6) Measureless merit of wisdom, every turn adds to its achievements.
7) Always abandons the wicked, travelling the noble path.
8) No arising of self views, renouncing all evil actions.
9) Abides without obstructed view.
10) No sinking into any difficulty.'
'These are the ten. If one can be dedicated to anuttarasamyaksambodhi
then, after the becoming a Buddha, there is achievement of the swift
attainment all Buddha dharmas, achieving freedom over spiritual powers.'
27.. At that time the Bhagavan also said to Naga Raja, 'Suppose a
Bodhisattva relies upon these beneficial actions when cultivating the path.'
28.. 'Abandons killing and harm and practices generosity, the causes of a
constantly treasured jewel that none can steal away. To be long-lived and
without premature death. Not harmed by any malicious thief.'
29.. 'Abandons taking the not-given and practices generosity, the causes
of a constantly treasured jewel that none can steal away. Formost, without
comparison. Is completely able to gather in its entirety the wealth of all
Buddha dharmas.'
30.. 'Abandons impure acts and practices generosity, the causes of a
constantly treasured jewel that none can steal away. His family is honest
and faithful, mother and wife are ones who do not stare with a desirous
31.. 'Abandons fallacious, misleading speech and practices generosity, the
causes of a constantly treasured jewel that none can steal away. Abandons
the defamatory, taking up and upholds the right dharmas, thus he vows and
aspires, so producing certain results.'
32.. 'Abandons fractious speech and practices generosity, the causes of a
constantly treasured jewel that none can steal away. A family coming
together in peace and harmony, united as one in the aim to be content, to
always be without insidious argument.'
33.. 'Abandons vulgar, evil speech and practice of generosity, the causes
of a constantly treasured jewel that none can steal away. In all
associations everyone is greatly pleased to be involved, are reliant and
loyal. What is said is completely believed and accepted, that no one opposes
or rejects.'
34.. 'Abandons pointless speech and practices of generosity, the causes of
a constantly treasured jewel that none can steal away. Speech that is not
hollow, a person well respected, capable of good skill in means, to resolve
all obstacles of doubt.'
35.. 'Abandons a covetous and wanting mind and practices of generosity,
the causes of a constantly treasured jewel that none can steal away.
Everything that is, is understood through discernment. A belief that is
resolute and strong, an all great and mighty power.'
36.. 'Abandons a despising mind and practices generosity, the causes of a
constantly treasured jewel that none can steal away. Rapidly, spontaneously
achieves an unobstructed mind of wisdom, all roots of utmost good, to see
with respect and delight.'
37.. 'Abandons a debased mind and practices generosity, the causes of a
constantly treasured jewel that none can steal away. Always born to a family
of right views, respectful and loyal. Sees the Buddha, hears the Dharma,
makes offerings to the sangha, never forgetting the vow of mahabodhicitta.'
38.. 'It is because when the great ones cultivate the Bodhisattva path,
perform the ten beneficial activitiess adorned with generosity, that such
great benefits are acquired.'
39.. 'Naga Raja, it is important to say that following the path of the ten
beneficial acts:'
40.. 'Causes adornment with commitments (sila). The ability to bear all
the benefits of the Buddha dharmas, fulfilment of the great wish.'
41.. 'Causes adornment with the tolerance of abuse (ksanti). The
achievement of the Buddhas perfect voice, all the many good appearances.'
42.. 'Causes adornment with virility (virya). The ability to defeat Mara,
the entrance to the treasury of Buddha dharmas.'
43.. 'Causes adornment with fixing (dhyana). The ability to give rise to
consideration, to wisdom, shame for oneself, shame for others, calm.'
44.. 'Causes adornment with dicernment (prajna). The ability to break-up
all perceptions of presumptuous distinctions.'
45.. 'Causes adornment with loving-kindness (maitri). The whole mass of
anger and harm does not arise.'
46.. 'Causes adornment with compassion (karuna). There is concern for all
living creatures, never resentful, neglectful.'
47.. 'Causes adornment with joy (mundita). One that sees good practised, a
mind without aversion, contempt.'
48.. 'Causes adornment with detachment (piti). In favourable or adverse
circumstances, without a mind of attachment or rejection.'
49.. 'Causes adornment with the four supports (catuh samgraha-vastu).
Constantly encouraging, lifting up, transforming, all living creatures.'
50.. 'Causes adornment with dwelling of thought. The beneficial habitual
practice of the meditations upon the four dwellings of thought.'
51.. 'Causes adornment with the right stimulus. The understanding and
abililty to break-up and sever all imbeneficial dharmas, producing all good
52.. 'Causes adornment with spiritual calm. Constantly causing one's own
mind ease and peace, cheer and joy.'
53.. 'Causes adornment with the five roots. A deep belief that is resolute
and strong. A spirit that is encouraged and not idle. Always without
bewilderment and delusion, tranquil and so balanced and happy. Severing all
annoyances and vexations.'
54.. 'Causes adornment with strength. The mass of ill-will is exhausted
and extinguished. One who cannot be harmed.'
55.. 'Causes adornment with the branches of awakening, always well awake,
aware of all dharmas.'
56.. 'Causes adornment with the Right Path. Achieves the Right Wisdom that
constantly manifests first.'
57.. 'Causes adornment with peace (samatha). The complete ability to
wash-away all bonds and klesas.'
58.. 'Causes adornment with insight (vipasyana). The ability to truly know
the self-nature all dharmas.'
59.. 'Causes adornment with method (upaya). Swiftly achieves, accomplishes
in full, conditioned and unconditioned joy.'
60.. 'Naga Raja, rightly know these ten beneficial acts, even cause the
ten powers, fearlessness, eighteen dissimilarities, all Buddha dharmas,
complete achievement of perfection and fullness. For this reason you all
ought to diligently practice.'
61.. 'Naga Raja, metaphorically as all towns, districts, villages and
hamlets rely completely upon the great earth thereby providing security; as
all medicinal herbs, trees, copses and forests also completely rely upon the
earth thereby by means of it grow, so the path of the ten beneficials is
also such as this. All humans and devas rely upon them and stand. All
sravaka, pratyekabuddha and bodhisattva activity, all Buddha dharmas,
together, share a reliance upon these ten beneficials, the great earth,
thereby coming into completion.'
62.. 'After the Buddhas had spoken this discourse, the Sagara Naga Raja
and the all the great assembly, together with the world of devas, humans,
asuras and others, all greatly happy, believed, received, and complied.'
The Path of the Ten Beneficial Actions Sutra ends.
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