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Squall Leonhart
Squall Leonhart

Cloud Strife
Cloud Strife

Locke Cole
Locke Cole

Laguna Loire
Laguna Loire







Well, since these are official artwork, I didn't create them, so why don't you take a look around? ^_^

Squall and Rinoa. She looks happy. He looks pissed...
FFVIII cover, the American version.
PS2 demo of the famous ballroom sequence. In one word, -amazing-!
PS2 demo 2. Another picture.
Stickers that came with the FFVIII Original Soundtrack, scanned in courtesy of me. ^_^
Squall. A rendered picture, scanned in from the instruction manual.
I Promise, a very beautiful picture! I should know. I have a wallscroll of that scene! ^_^ I screengrabbed it from the game.
The prologue, a very large scan from the instruction manual. Includes cute artwork of Squall and Laguna. ^_^
Squall and Griever, a very awesome picture in my opinion. I really want a wallscroll of that but I can't find one anywhere!!! :`(
Squall. I found this picture from a website one day. It sure isn't fan art!!
Squall. A couple of rendered CGI art. Awesome!
Squall. The 2nd of the rendered art. Oh, so drooly!!!!
Squall. The 3rd of the rendered art. Triple awesome!
Squall's body. It's just like it says. I screengrabbed it from the prelude during the game.
Sketch of Squall on the cover of a supposedly rare limited edition of the FFVIII soundtrack. Cool!


Well, I have some way cool wallpaper for you. They are all in 1024x768 resolution, because that's what I'm using. You can lower the size yourself if you use a smaller res. Enjoy! ^_^

Squall and Rinoa.
Squall on the vessel to Dollet.
Squall and his gunblade.
Squall and a 'flaming' gunblade. The best wallpaper of all, in my opinion! ^_^
Squall and Rinoa, the second best wallpaper in my opinion! It is the 'I Promise' picture.
FFVIII logo.
A collage I made myself. It took a lot of work, but I think it's worth it! ^_^. See if you can spot the hidden easter egg. ONE picture in there is not from FFVIII.

Official art
FMV art
In game art