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Be a Star Wars Novelist

Dozens of Star Wars novels have been written. Each one has earned a special place in my heart that burns everytime I remember them. After while of reading these "novels" I came upon a startling conclusion. They all have the same basic plotline. After many swear words and burning of books I decided to create a program that allows for Star Wars "novels" to be cranked out with no problem. All you have to do is follow the simple formula below and you can write your own New York Bestseller. You may follow the suggestions or be a rebel and put in whatever names or words you want for your stunning addition to the Star Wars universe.

Please input:

The name of a sports team

The name of the car you learned to drive in. (If not applicable then supply any car name.)

The name of a pro wrestler

Three adjectives

One adjective with the first letter capitalized (example, "Dark" instead of "dark")

The name of a pet

The name of your least favorite musical group

Your first name spelled backwards with the first letter capitalized (example, Stephen = Nehpets)

The name of a teacher

The name of a Muppet

Your favorite color

A verb