Defenders Against Crap
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Battlefield Earth Sux -- John Travolta's sci-fi epic. It was universally bashed by the critics and movie-going public alike. We're not exactly sure if it's a comedy or not, but you've got to give the Church of Scientology an "A" for effort.

Episode I Sux -- There are only three movies in the Star Wars TRILOGY. That's my story and I'm sticking with it.

Gladiator -- Writing an intro is too much work. No one cares about it. If it were a person, it would have no friends. So I don't think I'll write one. Just read the review and pretend I did.

Lucasarts Sux -- It's official. Lucasarts has been banished to the shanty town of bad games. What has happened to cause one of the best game developers to start making games that look like they came straight from the ass of Jar-Jar himself?

In the Mood for Love --A film by a reknowned Chinese directed who specializes in artsy films that don't make sense. It was met with critical acclaim, but with at least one exception.

Romantic Comedies Suck -- Guest writer Annie Mae discusses the age old boyfriend torture device known as the Romantic Comedy.

Z -- A review of the classic Costa Gavras political thriller.

Please send me $2000 or I'll personally come to your house and force you to watch my crappy movie over and over again. I have leverage dammit!!!!

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