Self Image
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David Gregory

He that undervalues himself will undervalue others, and he that undervalues others will oppress them.


Self image is who we think we are. It is our self concept. The self image is the collection of traits that we recognize in the ego and our designs. We can recognize ourselves as patient, bold, handsome, funny, talented, or successful.

The self image is one of the mind's defaults. When we are guided by intuition, we recognize the uniqueness of each situation, and so we respond to those dynamics. Sometimes we are not aware of our intuition, and so the mind automatically reverts to various defaults to gain information by which it can plan a course of action. The mind looks at the self image to discern, "Who am I, and how would that type of person respond in this situation?" Then, if our self image says that we are honest, our automatic response will tend to be characterized by honesty.

bulletA well constructed self image is an accurate presentation of our capabilities. It provides a reliable guide as to our potential for success in endeavors that require those capabilities. We may have an image of ourselves as a manager and we truly have the skills to back up that image, in contrast, a faulty self image can claim that we are skilled even though we are not, and so we enter situations that require superior skills, and we fail.
bulletA well constructed self image is inclusive. It allows us to be and do whatever is necessary. In contrast, if our self image is restricted, we are restricted. If the self image says that we are timid, we will be less able to call on our capacity for courage when a circumstance requires courage. If our self image is inclusive, we acknowledge that we tend to be timid, but that we contain all opposites in our potential including courage. Instead of limiting ourselves to one side of a duality, we can have a self image that permits both sides. We can say that we are flexible, creative, adaptive, spontaneous, and intuitive allowing ourselves to go toward either duality in any situation. There are times when we need to be non-flexible. There are occasions when we need to be flexible, and there are occasions when we need to be determined. Our self image, is a default , our goal is to be aware of our true self and use our intuition, to transcend this default.
bulletA well constructed self image grants consistency.
bulletA well constructed self image allows us to have self esteem. Self esteem is based on our opinion and feeling toward our self image. If we create a self image that we deem worthy of approval, we have self esteem.
bulletA well constructed self image allows us to love ourselves. We have created a loveable image that permits the flow of life energy through us.
bulletWe develop our self image by identifying particular traits as us.
bulletObservations of ourselves. When we see ourselves being angry, we can conclude, "I am a angry person.". When we are young, we build our self image by identifying with role models, heroes, parents, and other people whom we want to emulate. With higher awareness, we see our innate qualities, and we discard some of the ones that we have no use for.
bulletObservations of people's response to us. Part of our self image pertains to our place in society. Does our self image say that we are attractive, friendly, and popular? This may seem to depend on the responses we have received from our parents, friends, and other people. It truly depends on our interpretation of those responses. If our parents abused us, our interpretation was either that we were a bad child or that we are all right, but our parents were abusive. The people whom we select to be our friends are those who confirm our self image.
bulletSelf image reflects the way we believe other people perceive us. If we believe that people perceive us in a certain way our self image accepts this input. Our belief can, however, be incorrect and this can perpetuate problematic relationships. This aspect of the self image can include our business, our home, and our possessions.

Techniques for developing the self image.

bulletWe base our self image on reality. Our self image is the simple, neutral perception of the facts regarding us. Some of our perceptions are inaccurate and we need to test them and perhaps revise them, improving unpleasant images, or reviewing grandiose notions. When our self image is founded on our true characteristics, we gain in these ways:
bulletWe feel comfortable and fulfilled being the person we portray.
bulletWe function more effectively
bulletWe are not worried that a phony role will be discovered. A phony is neither liked nor trusted.
bulletWe have less of a craving for people's approval. With an honest self image, we know our good points regardless of people's confirmation, and we can accept our faults without shame or denial.
bulletWe benefit from society's feedback. It affirms our identity as a genuine person, rather than contradicting and disturbing us. If we have an incorrect self image as a generous person, but people dislike us for our actual stinginess, we are likely to become confused and angry.
bulletWe realize that we are not our behaviors or our thoughts. Throughout life, we see ourselves acting both angry and calm, worried and confident, loving and cruel, and so on. Our self image is not so flexible or vulnerable that it can redefine itself every time we think or act in a different way. Even though we recognize certain consistencies and patterns, we need to take our self image lightly, remembering that whatever labels we put on ourselves are only partially true. Our behaviors and thoughts occasionally manifest the opposite of those labels.
bulletWe notice the ways in which our life develops from our self image. To an extent, our self image determines the character of our actions, feelings, and thoughts, because we unconsciously refer to it constantly, "What would I do in this situation?". If we have established a self image of a peaceful person, we automatically tend toward peaceful behavior and we spontaneously actualize our self image. This process builds on itself as a self fulfilling prophecy. If our self image says that we have a friendly personality, we behave in a friendly manner, and then people respond to us as they would respond to a friendly person, and our self concept is confirmed and solidified. Our self image is powerful enough to contradict our conscious will. If our body image, a segment of the overall self image, says that we are overweight, our mind will direct our behavior to consummate that idea despite any superficial effort at dieting.
bulletWe can change our self image. We do this by highlighting the times when we are acting out our desired self image, and merely glancing at the occasions when we are acting out the opposite. We use this selective awareness, every time we encounter a situation that confirms or disputes our self image. We can use selective awareness consciously and purposefully. After we propose a new self image in our minds, the process of selective awareness automatically seeks to prove the image's validity by interpreting events in such a way that the image is confirmed or denied. To create a new, constructive self image, we acknowledge all events, visual images, emotions, feelings, physical actions and so on.
bulletWe can isolate the times when we behave in an specific way, but say that they are not necessarily part of a pattern, "I am angry right now, but I am calm at other times".
bulletWe can interpret the situation so that it isn't taken as a representation of our identity, "I feel anger right now, emotions come and go, and they are not who I am".
bulletWe can re-define the trait.
bulletWe can take notice of the times when we display the opposite of the undesired behavior. "I am calm right now, I am generally a calm person, though I feel anger occasionally."
bulletWe can create situations where the desired behavior is likely to occur. "I'm glad that I came to the park, I am calm among the beautiful trees and sky."
bulletWe can act in a way that represents the state of mind and self image that we want. "I am lying in a hammock, that is something that would be done by a person who is relaxed and calm."
bulletWe can review our memories and remember them in such a way that they confirm our new self image. We do this by applying the previous ideas in this list to past events. "I argued with John yesterday, but I am generally a calm person."
bulletWe know our real self beyond our self image. Carl Jung wrote about the differences between the self and the persona the assortment of roles we play in society. The persona is necessary for our social functioning, but we feel unfulfilled and unconnected when we live exclusively on that superficial level, and when we see only the personas of other people without recognizing the individuals behind their masks. That is not an angry person. It is a person who is feeling and acting angry.

Next topic: Self Esteem



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Last modified: April 13, 2008