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David Gregory

Directed Imagination

Cherish your vision and your dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blue prints of your ultimate achievements.

Napoleon Hill

Directed imagination is the use of our imagination to implant particular images into our designs. Later, when we are in those design situations, we will tend to act out the images. The images can be those of a healthy body, or objects that we want to own, or activities such as sports that we want to master, or psychological qualities that we want to cultivate. Directed imagination is similar to visualization.

We use our imagination frequently throughout the day. We use it in our story like fantasies and daydreams, and in our recall of memories, and in the mental pictures that we create to help us understand concepts, and future activities such as a vacation, for which we design our agenda by envisioning the places that we will visit. For some people, the thinking process is composed primarily of words, other people think primarily in pictures. Albert Einstein, whose imagination helped to create the theories of relativity, said that very little of his thought process involved words.

How directed imagination works.

We implant images into our design. The images along with the thoughts, energy tones, and actions become a permanent record of our interaction with the design. The interaction is occurring only in our imagination rather than occurring in our current physical circumstance. In future encounters with the design in our imagination or in the physical world, these images will influence our perception of, and response to, the design.

Directed imagination is used successfully by professional people including athletes. Ice skater Elizabeth Manley, and diver Greg Louganis, said that imagery helped them to win their Olympic medals. It is also used to treat medical disorders. Imagery helps people who have migraine headaches, obesity, high blood pressure, and other ailments. We can use directed imagination in concert with medical treatments.

Techniques of directed imagination.


We can combine the different types of design-work. While using directed imagination, we can also use:
bulletAffirmation statements.

We can associate an affirmation statement with an image. While we say, "I am relaxed when speaking in front of groups," we imagine ourselves standing confidently at a podium.

bulletInstead of saying words, we can visualize words that have meaning to us. We can see the word love in large white letters. We can experiment with different words, different colors, different styles of lettering, and different backgrounds. One variation of this exercise is to see the word such as love, and experience its corresponding state and then allow the word to dissolve while we maintain the state.

bulletModeling. Whenever we act as if, we can use directed imagination to affirm the action that we are performing. If we are acting as if we are peaceful, we can create images of a relaxing place such as a quiet riverbank.
bulletDesign-work. We can use energy toning of emotions and feelings while we do directed imagination:
bulletIf we are visualizing ourselves in a peaceful setting, we generate the energy tone of happiness. If we are visualizing a desired object or a condition such as a healthy body, we implant the tone of enthusiasm and gratitude.
bulletWe use personal images. We are more likely to evoke an energy tone if we imagine a scene with which we have a personal affiliation. To evoke serenity, we would imagine our favorite beach instead of a fabricated scene of a generic beach.
bulletWe enjoy the natural feeling of joy that arises when we use a pleasant image. The joy occurs because the image increases the flow of life energy.
bulletWe use the image with various energy tones. As explained in the chapter regarding design-work, we are most likely to remember the images we implanted when we were in an emotional state resembling our current state. When we are depressed, we tend to refer to the same elements that we traditionally use when we are depressed. We need to implant our images with a variety of energy tones, so that those images will be the dominant elements in any mood that occurs in the future.
bulletWe generally refrain from creating images of unwanted conditions. Instead of visualizing ourselves winning a battle against an intruder, we can create a positive image of ourselves resting securely within the walls of an impregnable fortress.
bulletWe can use our body's physical energy. The body's vitality is added to the image element if we use directed imagination while we walk, dance, exercise, clean our home, or perform other movements.
bulletWe can acquire images from various sources. For the purpose of directed imagination, we use images from various sources:
bulletAn internal source. Such as our imagination, a fantasy, a dream, a memory, intuition, or a vision.
bulletAn external source. A photograph, a movie, a magazine or newspaper, a web site, a television program, a physical object, a verbal description of an image such as a book's description of a setting, or a person's description of a vacation spot.
bulletWe use different positions from which to view the object of our directed imagination.
bulletFrom the inside. We imagine a scene as though we are looking at it through our own eyes. We see the surroundings, the other people, and the parts of our body that we would normally be able to see, our arms, legs, and torso, but not our head.
bulletFrom the outside. We visualize ourselves from an external point, as a spectator of ourselves.
bulletFrom a specific person. We see ourselves as if we are looking through the eyes of a particular person or group of people. We can see ourselves from the viewpoint of our spouse, or a parent, or a judge at an ice skating tournament.
bulletWe can use our other senses. For most people, imagination is primarily visual. However, we have other options:
bulletWe can use a different sense, imagining sounds or smells or textures or flavors. If we want to visualize comfort, we can imagine the aroma of our mother's kitchen.
bulletWe can use more than one sense. If we are imagining a new car, we can smell the scent of a new car's interior. We can hear the sound of the engine. We can feel the texture of the smooth steel.
bulletWe can allow ourselves to daydream and to fantasize. In our hurried, left hemisphere oriented world and particularly in classrooms, daydreaming is not encouraged. This activity is however a good way to access our intuition and to enhance our ability to use or imagination.
bulletWe can use an animated image. Instead of viewing a stationary object, we imagine a story with various settings, characters, and activities.
bulletWe can use interesting images. We respond most readily to images that are bright colorful and fascinating.
bulletWe notice the images that we create with our words. Whether we are speaking, or listening to another person, we often make pictures in our mind to help us understand the words. In particular, we note the destructive imagery that accompanies our visual expressions, in the example "He is a pain in the neck", we are implanting the image of a painful neck.
bulletWe relax. Images are associated with the right hemisphere of the brain, so we need to increase the activity of that hemisphere by relaxing and drifting into a dream like state, as though we are having an effortless fantasy or daydream.
bulletWe can visualize an object or an animal that we associate with a particular quality. We can imagine a mountain when we want to develop stability. We can imagine a cloud when we want to be serene. We can imagine a proud lion when we want courage and self esteem.
bulletWe can intentionally tighten our muscles slightly, as if we are physically performing the activity that we are visualizing. If we are visualizing ourselves talking, we create a small stimulation in the throat muscles but not enough to speak.
bulletWe can allow the image to take on a life of its own.
bulletWe do not use the physical eyes for directed imagination. Instead, we close our eyes and then we create the image on the screen of our mind.
bulletWe do not place the image directly in front of us, on the inner screen. Instead, we will have more success if we put the picture slightly to the left, right, top, or bottom.
bulletWe can do a gentle visualization while we fall asleep.
bulletWe can expect improvement in our ability to use our imagination. Some people cannot visualize at all. They need to start by simply thinking about the image, or creating the feeling associated with the image, or making a very simple picture. After we are able to make a mental image, we can develop our ability to visualize:
bulletSee the blackness without any image. This will accustom us to the use of our inner vision. See a single color such as a red blob.
bulletSee a single shape such as a triangle in any color.
bulletSee a particular shape in a particular color such as a blue square.
bulletSee two colors in the same image such as a green star with a red border.
bulletSee two images simultaneously such as a triangle inside of a circle.
bulletSee one image, and move it. Move a square from the right side to the left side of the inner screen.
bulletSee one image, and alter it. Make a rectangle larger or smaller, or wider or narrower, or taller or shorter. By altering the image, we can improve its outcome. We can change the image of a basketball's flight, so that it does not bounce off of the backboard but instead it goes straight into the basket.
bulletChange from one image to another. Start with a circle, and then delete that circle, and see a square instead.
bulletTransform one image into another. Begin with a triangle, and change it into a star.
bulletSee an object that is three dimensional such as a cube.
bulletSee the three dimensional object from various positions. Look at the cube from the top, and then from one side, and then from another side. We can rotate the object itself, or we can imagine moving ourselves to a different position while keeping the object stationary.
bulletVisualize a familiar still scene that contains many objects such as a living room, with a sofa, chairs, a carpet, wallpaper, a table, and so on. We are recreating the scene from memory.
bulletCreate a fictitious still scene such as a valley on Pluto. We are creating the scene from our imagination.
bulletCreate a scene in which there is movement such as a tree into which birds are flying.
bulletPut yourself into the action, such as a forest in which we are walking. Instead of watching the images as though they are on a movie screen, we surround ourselves with the scenery, and then we take a walk through this world.
bulletWe can imagine scenes from books. We can spend time with a novel and imagine the characters' actions instead of a television that offers a passive experience in which we are not actively using our imagination.
bulletWe explore the symbolism of images. The intuitive and intellectual dimension of symbolism can add to our appreciation and use of imagery. To learn more about symbolism, we can read books about the arts such as poetry, photography, or film making.
bulletWe can be aware of more visual details throughout the day. This will help to develop our skill in seeing details internally. These same details can be used in our directed imagination. If we make a point of noticing and remembering a beautiful cloud formation, we can recall this memory when we want to visualize a relaxing scene.

Next topic: Modeling



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Last modified: April 13, 2008