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David Gregory

Energy Toning

Energy tone is the energy charge that is attached to the elements in a design. Technically, the energy tone is not an element in its own right. It is the charge of those thoughts, images, and habits in the design.

Energy tone contains two aspects:

bulletEnergy. There is a charge associated with each design element, each thought, image, and action such as the emotional energy of fear when we recall a visual memory of a car accident.
bulletTone. At some level, the energy is an undifferentiated entity like electricity, that is essentially the same whether it is in a computer or a lightning bolt. In our human experience of this energy, it has a tone, a texture, a quality. If we try to describe the tone of a given design element, we could categorize this tone as an emotion or feeling.

We use various techniques for energy toning.

We combine the aspects of design-work. We use:

bulletAffirmation. We can associate an energy tone with an affirmation. While we say, "I am relaxed when speaking in front of groups," we generate a state of relaxation.
bulletDirected imagination. While energy toning, we can add an appropriate image. If we are creating an energy tone of happiness we visualize something that helps us to be happy such as an image of a flower or a butterfly.
bullet Modeling. During energy toning, we can act out the behavior that is associated with that tone. To facilitate the energy tone of being loved, we can hug ourselves.

We can use directed imagination toward one part of our situation.

Every situation contains an infinite number of details that can be viewed from an infinite number of perspectives. This is true for both the material details and the spiritual designs because spirit is everywhere and it contains all designs. We can choose to focus our attention on the aspects that elicit the specific energy tone that we prefer. In the midst of a stressful day at work, we dwell on our appreciation for one coworker's assistance, or we glance occasionally at the pretty flowers on our desk. We are not repressing our awareness of unpleasant facets of the situation. We acknowledge their existence, but we direct our attention to the pleasant facets as much as possible. This pleasurable energy tone becomes part of the design elements of our job, and so it extends into the design field of individual aspects of our job such as the presence of the people to whom we usually react in a stressed manner. We still have to deal with the stressors and the designs that they represent, but the task is easier now because we have implanted an agreeable energy tone into our overall experience of the job. We can transplant energy tone from one situation to another

Instead of directing our attention toward a present object such as a helpful co-worker, we generate thoughts and imagery of a non-present object or situation. In the midst of the stressful workday, we daydream of our fun vacation or our loving spouse. As with the directed imagination technique, this technique does not release us from the obligation of coming to terms with the present designs, but the technique can introduce some pleasant energy tones into the situation while we explore those present designs.

We can transplant energy tones from various types of situations:
bulletA memory. We can dwell upon a memory of something that has happened in our physical reality.
bulletA fantasy. We can dwell upon a fantasy of something that has not happened in our physical reality.
bulletPast experience. We can dwell upon a previous situation that is similar to the present situation, because they involve some of the same designs. When we are in a stressful workplace, we can recall stressful situations in which we succeeded despite the stress. We remember the specific previous thoughts, images, energy tones, and actions so that we can dwell on them and build from them in this current circumstance. We say "this reminds me of ....," and then we proceed on the basis of the previously implanted elements while intuiting the current factors that differ from those of the prior design encounter.
bulletWe experience our true self in the situation. For this technique, we do not direct our attention toward the people, objects, and general circumstance, instead, we recognize that the people and objects are manifestations of energy. We concentrate on our true self, our perfect spiritual essence regardless of our human situation. In the book, Vivation, Jim Leonard says that our natural state is ecstasy and awe at the miracle of existence. This can be our energy tone in all design situations. We experience ecstasy internally in our sheer delight in being alive, and we also experience ecstasy in relation to others, in recognizing our common essence. The tone of this relationship may be characterized in our human world as a type of light affection, playfulness, and sharing.

We can use the energy tones of the objects in our life.

bulletWe can use objects that evoke the energy tone we want. Like Linus with his security blanket, we can select objects for our home and office such as particular paintings, sentimental items, particular clothing that makes us feel snug, or a cozy fire in our fireplace.
bulletWe can put an energy tone into the objects. When we enter some homes, we feel the love and warmth. This is the energy tone that the residents have put into their house and possessions. To install an energy tone in an object, we can hold it in our hands, and feel, and visualize our warm human energy flowing into it, while we say an affirmation such as "I enjoy and appreciate this part of my life." We all put energy tones into the objects of our life when we hug a friend, or when we pamper a pet or a house plant, or when we affectionately scrub our new car. We can install this energy even if we are not touching the object, but the technique is more effective if we are touching it. The energy will linger in the object, and it will slowly radiate back to us, to enhance the general energy tone of our home or office.
bulletWe can use energy toning in the body. In a design field, the energy is not just a psychological phenomenon such as an emotion or a feeling, it also corresponds to physical sensations such as relaxation or muscular tension. In our body, the natural energy tone is warmth and comfort and vitality and a friendliness toward other people's bodies. If we are not experiencing that tone, it is usually because our thoughts and images and actions and psychological energy tones are interfering with the body's basic state. To implant pleasant energy tones, we can use the following techniques:
bulletPhysical posturing.
bulletBody work. In addition to the short term changes that occur when we smile we can change the baseline of our body's energy so that its enhanced energy tone will improve the overall energy tone in all design situations. We can create these long term enhancements through any practice that improves the strength and health of the body such as exercise, massage, and hatha yoga.
bulletWe can take advantage of our high energy moments. Whenever we are experiencing a large amount of energy, we can make a point of doing design-work such as saying affirmations, generating visual imagery and specific energy tones, and performing actions that we want to habituate. These elements, including the thoughts, images, and habits, will acquire some of the energy that is occurring, so they will have a particularly strong presence in our design field. A few points:
bulletOur implanted elements will have the tone of the energy that we are experiencing, unless we consciously change the tone. We can change the tone because it is separate from the energy itself. If we are experiencing fear, we are indulging fearful thoughts and images. We substitute those elements with thoughts and images of courage and success, while using the energy both internally to charge our thoughts and images and externally to give us some extra power to counteract whatever is frightening us.
bulletThis principle occurs whether our elements are constructive or destructive.

We can use all types of energy:

bulletWe can schedule our design-work to concur with the periodic upswings in our energy level. Design-work can be more effective during the peaks, because the additional energy will be implanted into our designs.
bulletThe excess energy we implant into designs is the force that will recreate the situation in the future. When these high energy moments do occur, we may as well create good energy so that the future situations will be pleasant. Our long term goal is to not create residual energy in our designs. We can pursue this goal by:
bulletLearning to use all of our energy in a design situation so that we do not experience residual energy in our designs. When we are experiencing an emotion such as fear or anger, the emotional energy has been generated for the specific purpose of confronting a challenge. The residual energy is the energy that we did not use in our previous encounter with that design and it may cause us to overreact.
bulletDismantling the cause of the residual energy. If we have an excess of anger, this excess is due to our perspective on the situation such as our inflammatory thoughts, images, energy tones, and actions. As we implant design elements that do not amplify our emotion, we will experience less residual energy.

We can develop our general capacity for emotion and feeling.


We can use sound.

Music. Whether we listen attentively, or we use the music as a background, it alters our energy tone. Smooth jazz is likely to evoke an energy tone of calmness.


Sound effects. We can buy recordings of nature sounds. A cassette of ocean surf is very soothing.


Our own musical instruments. Many people play musical instruments to generate an energy tone. We can play a guitar for the energy tone of excitement or relaxation.


Our voice. When we are singing or whistling, we change our energy tone.

Next topic: Affirmations



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Last modified: April 13, 2008