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Estes Park Fire - Fire Safety Tips 

This is a collection of tips and information about keeping you and your family fire safe! Call the EPVFD for more information about specific topics at 970-577-0900. 


Click any topic to 'jump' there, or scroll down through every topic:

Bathroom Safety
Fire Extinguishers
Fire Drills
Fire Hazards in your Home
House Numbers
Kitchen Fire Safety
Senior Safety
Smoke Detectors
Sprinkler Systems
Safety in the Workplace



When choosing a sitter for your child, never assume that he or she knows everything they need to know about babysitting.

bulletGet references. Treat sitting as a legitimate business and check out references
Test your sitter. Pose several "What if..." questions 
Write down information about where you will be & when you plan to return. Include names and telephone  numbers of the family or place that you will be at. Leave a pager number if you have one, with specific details about how to use the number. Write everything down - in a crisis, the babysitter may 'go blank' with all of the new information.
bulletContact the sitter right away if your plans change.
bulletWalk though your home with the sitter to identify bedrooms, diaper supplies, bathrooms, etc
bulletExplain how doors and windows open, lock or unlock. Instruct the sitter to keep them locked           
bulletReview your home fire escape plan. Explain where the exits are, and identify the safe meeting place  outside of the home, that your children should be familiar with. Point out a trusted neighbor that would help in an emergency.

Make a 'SItter List' that includes the following information:

Your names - Your Children's Names - Your address & Telephone Number

Emergency Phone Numbers (FIre - Police - EMS) - Family Doctor - Nearby Relatives

Where to find: House Keys - Emergency Money - Fire Extinguishers - Gas/Water Shutoff - Fuse Box - Flashlight - Thermostat - Mop, Broom & Rags - First-Aid


Rules of The House

Explain you expectations about visiting friends, phone use and off limits food, television or stereo use.

Eliminate unnecessary tasks like cooking, cleaning or baths. These tasks may take the sitters attention away form the children and may be dangerous.

Inform the sitter about pet behavior and feeding schedules. 
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House Numbers

It is very difficult for emergency responders to find unfamiliar homes in the dark, or even during the day at homes and businesses that do not have their address properly posted. In an emergency, valuable time is often lost searching for 'the right house'. In Estes Park, an ordinance was passed that requires a visible house number to be posted, and readable from the curb.

Your street number should be posted in numerals that are no less than3 - 4" tall and in a contrasting color to the background. Many Estes Park residents have purchased reflective house number signs from the Senior Center to put on their home. Rescuers easily recognize these signs and are able to locate homes faster because of them. For more information about these signs, click HERE. Encourage your neighbors and family to post their address, too.

IF your home is set back from the roadway, or is hidden from view, it is important to post the number at the entrance to your driveway. In situations where more than one home is accessed from a single driveway, all addresses should be posted at the entrance, and at each intersection along the way. These type of driveways can be particularly tough for fire trucks that require a large turning area if they miss the right driveway.
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Smoke Detectors

...are available from the EPVFD at no charge... Click HERE for information.

Smoke detectors have been proven to save lives! Are your batteries good? Test it every month.
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Choose a FireWise location

bulletEvaluate the building site. Choose a site away from heavily vegetated areas. Build on the most level part of the land. Avoid natural chimneys, or draws in the terrain. Set your structure back from any ridge or cliff a minimum of 30 feet; increase that distance if the home is more than one story
bulletProvide easy access for emergency vehicles. A steep, narrow, winding driveway can impede access for larger emergency vehicles.
bulletClearly post your address, using numbers that contrast with their background so fire fighters and EMS personnel can find you quickly in any emergency. Click HERE for details about reflective house number signs.
bulletEnsure address is visible from both directions and keep brush and trees cut back so that the address stands out.


Create and maintain a FireWise environment around your home

bulletCreate a defensible space around your home and structures on your property. This does not mean that your landscape has to be barren. Defensible space is an area either man-made or natural where the vegetation is modified and maintained to slow the rate and intensity of an advancing wildfire. It also creates an area for fire suppression operations to occur and helps protect the forest from becoming involved should a structure fire occur.


Design & Build FireWise structures

bulletWhen wildfire strikes, a structure’s roof is the greatest weakness. Using class A or B roofing materials, such as asphalt shingles, slate or clay tile, or metal- will reduce the danger.
bulletUse construction materials that are fire resistive or non-combustible whenever possible.
bulletMinimize the size and number of windows on the side of the house that will most likely be exposed to a wildfire, typically the downhill side.
bulletMulti-pane glass provides more protection from radiant heat than single pane glass. Tempered glass should be used for picture windows, sliding doors and other large glass areas.
bulletWalls should be constructed with fire resistive materials from the ground up to he roof overhang.
bulletLocate propane tanks either on the downhill side or on the same contour as the structure (propane gas is heavier than air and seeks lower ground).
bulletUse a minimum Class III flame spread siding material. Stone, brick and stucco are best.
bulletCover exterior attic, soffit and under floor vents with ¼” wire mesh to prevent sparks from entering your home.
bulletKeep areas under decks vegetation free by using a fabric weed barrier.


When wildfire occurs 


If you see a wildfire, dial 911. Don’t ever assume that someone else has already reported the fire. Describe the location of the fire, speak slowly and clearly, and answer any questions asked by the dispatcher.


If a fire occurs near your home 

When a wildfire threatens your home or is in the area that you live, listen to local radio for bulletins from the local fire department- including evacuation advisories. If your home becomes threatened, you may be contacted by a fire or law enforcement official and advised to evacuate.

bulletWear protective clothing. This includes a long sleeved shirt or jacket, pants and sturdy shoes. Use a handkerchief to provide minimal protection for your lungs from the smoke and hot gasses.
bulletEnsure your family’s safety. If you are able, locate and evacuate your pets, but do not jeopardize your own life. If you have livestock, let them loose by opening gates and cutting fence.
bulletKnow where safe areas are within your subdivision. Contact the fire department for assistance in determining safe areas. Typically meadows, rock outcrops and roads may provide safe areas.
bulletIf time allows, take a disaster kit containing drinking water, change of clothes for each family member, blanket or sl4eeping bag for each person and first aid kit including prescription medications, emergency tools, including radio & flashlight, and extra set of car keys and credit cards or cash.
bulletKnow all emergency escape routes and have pre-planned travel route. Don’t panic. Drive slowly and safely - turn on headlights for better visibility in smoky conditions.


Home Protection Tips 

In a major wildfire, it may be impossible for the fire department to provide enough resources to protect your home. If you have time, you may want to take the following steps to protect your home.

bulletPlace combustible items 50 feet from the structure- including lawn furniture, umbrellas and tarps.
bulletClose or cover outside attic, eaves and basement vents. This reduces the possibility of sparks blowing into hidden areas of the house. Close all shutters.
bulletConnect a garden hose to an outside faucet so it can reach any part of the house.
bulletPlace a ladder against the roof of the house opposite the approaching fire.
bulletShut off gas at the meter or propane tank.
bulletPark your car in the garage, facing out. Close the windows, but do not lock the doors.
bulletClose the garage door, but leave unlocked. Disconnect the automatic garage door opener.
bulletClose all windows and doors, but do not lock them.
bulletClose all doors inside the house to block circulation of air and minimize movement of fire.
bulletTurn on all exterior lights. This will make the home more visible in heavy smoke or at night.
bulletTake down lightweight curtains and close heavy weight drapes. Move overstuffed furniture away from windows and glass doors. These may ignite though radiant heat.

 Thanks to Larimer County, federal and state fire agencies for the information in this section. Contact us for their brochure: "Wildfire Safety Tips - Are you FireWise?"
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Copyright © 2000 Estes Park Volunteer Fire Department
Last modified: June 20, 2002