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Estes Park Fire - Photo Gallery

veh path off rd2.jpg (129546 bytes)   rear veh with rescue.jpg (114077 bytes)     pt out of car.jpg (88340 bytes)    ascent to road.jpg (126945 bytes)
pulling at road.jpg (117600 bytes)    pts on rd from below.jpg (105507 bytes)    amb load2.jpg (103291 bytes)    st a @ rainbow.jpg (66742 bytes)
Trail Ridge Road (RMNP) - Sept 2000- SUV left the roadway and went 75' off a 50 degree embankment. NO seatbelts in use, 'Jaws-of-Life' used by EPVFD to remove roof, low angle rope ascent by EPVFD & RMNP Rangers to roadway. Two pt's by EPMC Ambulance to Estes Park
and one by St Anthony's Flight for Life to Poudre Valley Hospital. FFL landed at Rainbow Curve-
over 2 miles above sea level for the rendezvous...


burn area.jpg (148990 bytes)    burn area 3.jpg (140743 bytes)    burn tree.jpg (148034 bytes)    burn area 2.jpg (147308 bytes)
Rabbit Gulch wildfire area - June 13, 2000 (click to enlarge) pictures by Jim Enyeart

0612 tree top fire.jpg (41455 bytes)    0612 storm mtn homes.jpg (27580 bytes)    0612 storm mtn homes3.jpg (51870 bytes)    0612 slurry3.jpg (29310 bytes)
Bobcat Gulch wildfire area - June 12, 2000 (click to enlarge) pictures by Chief Dorman

tender11.jpg (223574 bytes)    tender11rear.jpg (176671 bytes)
"Tender 11" still on the assembly line- Due in Estes Park by the first week of July. (Officially named Engine 10)




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Copyright © 2000 Estes Park Volunteer Fire Department
Last modified: June 20, 2002