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Web Page Information:

    ...a running comment on what's happening with this page from your 'Web Master'.


03/26/00    Wildfire safety tips are posted; also, watch for the press release about a chipper program to reduce slash in our area and minimize wildfire dangers. A free chipper program where you can get rid of all that dead brush! The chipper is coming....... in late spring.


03/16/00    Started the Fire Safety Tips section- have had requests for on-line information. This is a compilation of EPVFD info, National Fire Safety info and others. Send us topics you'd like more info about!


02/25/00    Still waiting on the digital camera- should be in our hands come March- or at least SOME way to keep the pictures here more up to date..... Thanks for checking in! That message board thing is not working very well...


01/25/00    Message Board entry form is online- setting up the link to view the comments now- hope to have it done by the end of the week... Anything entered will be stored and online when the link is active. Busy week.


01/07/00    Added a couple of surprises to the web- has anyone noticed them? (Hint: make sure your speakers are turned on- but I'm not saying WHAT it is!)


01/05/00    Registration for the domain name "www.estesparkfire.com" was entered today... It should be operational within 24 hours - and fully in use within 2 weeks. That address will refer visitors here (to Tripod) where we continue our free occupation. That domain name will also allow repeat visitors to find us, should we move. The registration is for 2 years, so change that bookmark now, and we'll see you soon. Look for cool new additions to this page- fire prevention information and coloring pages that kids can print & color at home, message boards where you might ask local fire questions- or out of town visitors can get ahold of a 'local' for real answers to any EP questions. We expect to have a new digital camera on hand by the end of March- expect very current information/pictures at that time- as well as roster 'mug shot' updates.


12/01/99    To view the page in it's entirety on your screen, set the desktop area to 1024x768 (go to the desktop, right click on the open area, select 'properties', then 'settings'. Now adjust the 'desktop area'  to 1024x768 pixels). If you have problems viewing our page in your browser, please let me know what you're looking in and what the issue is- we'll fix it right away so you can enjoy it all.


11/31/99    About that 'pop up' ad that shows up every time you visit? It's part of the deal at Tripod- they give us free space- we have the ad. If you click the minimize button on the ad's box, it will shrink to the task bar at the base of your screen and leave you alone.




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Copyright © 2000 Estes Park Volunteer Fire Department
Last modified: June 20, 2002