
Cheminot and Locale


For God and country we associate ourselves together for the following purposes:
To create a charitable and non-profit veterans organization;
to uphold and defend the constitution of the United States of America;
to assist and promote the welfare and well being of those who served in the Armed Forces of the United States during all wars and conflicts, recognized by the Congress of the United States, and their widows and orphans;
to participate in all memorial services for and to be present at the funerals of departed comrades;
to take part in and encourage others to participate in the proper observance of all days honoring veterans;
to preserve the memories of our Service in the Armed Forces of our Country;
to actively participate within our membership in projects relating to (a) the welfare of the children of America;
(b) the health of our Nation by fostering a nurses training program; and
(c) selected charitable endeavors."

Voiture Locale Officers

Chef de Gare
Voiture Locale 122
 2nd Tuesday ~ 8:00 P.M.
American Legion Post 64 

Robert McAllister

Leroy Wyatt

Voiture Locale 155
 4th Tuesday ~ 7:00 P. M.
American Legion Post Homes 
in Frederick and Carroll Counties

James Beckman, II

Norman Covert

Voiture Locale 164
 3rd Tuesday            
Contact Locale Correspondant

Moses Miller

Charles Damon

Voiture Locale 265
4th Thursday ~ 7:30 P.M.
American Legion Post Homes
Prince Georges and Montgomery Counties

Will Trotter

Bob Ouellette, Sr.

Voiture Locale 456
 3rd Thursday ~ 8:00 P. M. 
Sept, Dec, Mar, June
American Legion Post 238

Charles "Chick" Michael

Robert E Sprecher

Voiture Locale 651

3rd Friday ~ 7:30 P. M.
American Legion Post 42
Hagerstown, MD 

Tim Smith

Richard Dougan, Jr.

Voiture Locale 1230

 3rd Thursday ~ 8:00 P. M 
Jan, Mar, May, June, Sept.
American Legion Post 175
Severna Park, MD

Carl "Buddy" George

Robert Clayton

Voiture Locale 1297

2nd Friday ~  8:00 P. M. 
March thru November
Contact Locale Correspondant


John P. Baron

Voiture Locale 1371

 2nd Wednesday ~  8:00 P. M.
American Legion Post Homes
North Eastern Shore 

Nelson Dillehunt

James Jones

Grande Cheminot

Grande Cheminot
Alt Grande Cheminot
Voiture Locale 122

Robert McAllister

Martin Price
Voiture Locale 155

James Beckman II 

Richard L Stup
Voiture Locale 164

Charles Damon

Moses Miller

Voiture Locale 265

Bob Ouellette Sr

Will Trotter

Voiture Locale 456

Charles "Chick" Michael

Robert E Sprecher

Voiture Locale 651

Richard Dougan

Lynn Spalding, Jr.
Voiture Locale 1230

Leon Borowski

Robert Lambird

Voiture Locale 1297

Steven Jones

Wayne Costa

Voiture Locale 1371

K. Martin Gahley

James Jones

VL No.          Meeting Date         Meeting Place

122         2nd Tuesday         AL Post 64 Salisbury, 7:00 p.m.

155         4th Tuesday         AL Posts in Frederick/Carroll Counties 7:30 p.m.

                  (Complimentary Dinner Served Appr. 6:45 p.m.)           

164         3rd Tuesday         AL Post 71 Oakland, Garrett County, 8:00 p.m.

                  (March, June, September, December)

265         4th Thursday         AL Posts PG/Montgomery Counties, 7:30 p.m.

456         3rd Thursday         AL Post 238 Hughesville, 8 p.m. (Sept, Dec, Mar, June)

651         3rd Friday         AL Post 42, Hagerstown, MD  7:30 p.m. 

1230          3rd Thursday         AL Post 175 Severna Park, 8:00 p.m.

                  (January, March, May, June, September, November)

1297         2nd Friday         VFW 10028, Aberdeen, 8 p.m.

                  (March Through November) 

1371         2nd Wednesday         AL Posts within jurisdiction, 8 p.m.