The future of the forty and Eight is dependent on membership.
Our members not only help support the Operation of Voiture Nationale, but are the backbone of all of our programs. It has
often been said there are three key aspects to the membership effort.- Renewals
- Reinstatements
- Recruitment's
Every Voyager Militaire can assist in the renewal portion
of the program. First and foremost, if each member sends in dues without having to be asked several times, you will save everyone
involved in the membership effort a great deal of time and expense. In addition, if you know a Voyager who has not paid their
dues, see if there is a reason and refer that information back to your Voiture. There are numerous reasons why a Voyager may not renew membership in a given year.
It could be financial reasons, health problems, temporarily moved from the area and many other issues. Once those problems
have been overcome, we should make every effort possible to get that voyageur back into our organization. That is what is
referred to as a reinstatement. Perhaps
recruitment is the easiest of all membership efforts. The key word is to ASK. Each of us knows numerous veterans who would
make great Forty and Eighters. Remember, our membership is by invitation and that means we have t ASK them to join. Sometimes
we have to ask more that once, but the most important thing is that we do ASK. Please don't forget that membership is everyone's job.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Voiture 2012 2013 Year
2012 Year %of Quota short
122 26 22 26 84.62% -4
155 83 74 83 89.16% -9
164 28 26 28 92.86% -2
265 107
109 109 100.00% 0
456 54
51 54 94.44% -3
651 29
32 32 100.00% 0
1230 20
19 20 95.00% -1
1297 26
24 26 92.31% -2
1371 39
33 39 84.62% -6
Totals 412 390 417 93.53% -27
Setting the Record Straight
Reprinted from
Over a year ago at the 89th Promenade Nationale in Orlando, FL, a resolution
was passed to open membership eligibility to the Forty and Eight to ALL Honorably discharged veterans and active duty personnel.
This was passed by a majority of no less than two thirds of the membership as in accordance to the Nationale Constitution.
However there seems to still be some confusion on this matter, and I would like to clear it up and put this to rest for good,
so we can move ahead and use this valuable recruiting tool.
In my travels I have heard many comments on how we have “separated”
or “split” from the American Legion, nothing could be further from the truth. The Forty and Eight extended every
possible scenario to remain as we were since 1921 and met nothing but barriers and resistance. Much or should I say most of
the problems existed because of the ideology that had been planted since the mid 1950’s and passed down over the years.
Voyagers and Legionnaires, we are not children, we are all Honorable veterans, and these issues should have been solved years
ago, not allowed to grow and fester over more than 50 years as they have. The Forty and Eight finally reached a crossroads
in their membership and a decision had to be made to find a way to increase its membership or cease to exist, hence the resolution
to open the ranks to all honorable veterans.
As far as the view from La Societe there is absolutely NO CHANGE in the relationship
with the American Legion. We are still made up almost exclusively of Legionnaires and that is still a preferred recruiting
base. Voiture Nationale has nothing but the upmost respect for the American Legion, and as you all know, the Legion and the
40 & 8 work very similar programs for the good of the community and veterans. So there is not a division or separation
between these 2 fine veteran’s organizations. We as the 40 & 8 needed to open the recruiting base to survive and
grow, and that’s why the resolution was passed. Please do not read anymore into this other than the fact that we needed
more members and had to have a way to find them.
With that being said, I would hope that each of you, as a Voyager Militaire
would take full advantage of this most valuable recruiting tool. We now have the largest recruiting base in the history of
La Societe and our membership numbers should reflect that. We now have an opportunity to strengthen our numbers into the millions, just as the American Legion or the V.F.W. has. No one can convince me that
a veterans is any less worthy or Honorable just because he did not serve during war time or on a hostile foreign soil. That
veteran took an oath just as we all did, and in my book that constitutes serving your country. It goes without saying that
active duty personnel are worthy, for they are today’s defenders of our way of life, whether during war time or peace.
I ask each of you, as a Voyager, to open you arms and welcome these veterans and active duty troops into our fraternal order.
You will be giving them the opportunity to be a member of The Honor Society of American Veterans” and helping La Societe
grow. It is a WIN WIN situation. Please remember that, “The Greatest Barrier to Progress, Is Resistance to Change.”
So the next time you are at a 40 & 8 function or hospitality room and
someone there has had on to many cans or bottles of liquid intelligence, and they are preaching about how we are divided or
separated from the American Legion, Just have that someone read this article or have them call Voiture Nationale and Set the
Story Straight.. Once and For All!!
Yours in Service,
Mike Wood
Nationale Membership Directeur and a Past American Legion Post commander

Membership Nomination Form (Adobe Fillable)
Membership Eligibility for La Societe
When service was performed is no longer part of the criteria, an Honorable Discharge or Under Honorable Conditions
is required.
Active Duty ~ Honorable Discharge ....................... Eligible
Active Duty ~ Currently Serving ............................ Eligible
Active Duty ~ Dishonorable or Bad Conduct ....... Ineligible
National Guard ~ See Below
Reserves ~ See Below
The National Guard and Reserves are required to meet the same 40&8 membership eligibility requirements as the
full time federal active veterans.
To be
eligible, the National Guardsman/ Reservist must have served at least one day on federal active duty, and either have an honorable
discharge or currently be serving either in the Guard/Reserve or on federal active duty. The key to determining if a Guardsman/Reservist
has been on or is currently serving on federal active duty is the “Authority Line” on the activation orders of
the Guardsman/Reservist. In both cases “Title 10, Subsection 672 or 12301” are orders from the Secretary of Defense
and are federal orders. The authority the Governor uses to activate the National Guard as an individual or unit is “Title
32” orders, i.e. Weekend Drills and Annual Training. These are not federal orders. The Reserves have similar reserve
orders, which are “Title 10, Subsection 270.” This authority code gives the reserve component the authority to
activate the reserves for Weekend Drills and Annual Training. Use the chart below when determining eligibility for National
Guard and Reserves. This information was taken from Military Law Chapter 39.
National Guard Title 10 Subsection 672 or 12301* Title 32
Reserves Title 10 Subsection 672 or 12301* Title
10 Subsection 270
*This Subsection was created following Desert Storm to replace 672.
Note: A DD-214 will be issued for the time on federal active
duty or a DA-1059 for a completion of a school will be issued with a character type of discharge. All Reserve components send
their service members to “Basic Training” using Title 10, Subsection 672/12301 orders.

Grand Voiture
Nationale ~ 21st Place*
Last Week ~ 17th Place
*22 Grands now at 100% +
Voiture Locale 122
Dorchester, Somerset
Wicomico & Worcester
Voiture Locale 155
Carrol & Frederick Counties
Voiture Locale 164
Alleghany & Garrett
*Voiture Locale 265
Montgomery & Prince Georges Counties
Voiture Locale 456
Calvert, Charles &
St Mary's Counties
*Voiture Locale 651
Washington County
*Voiture Locale 1230
Anne Arundel County
Voiture Locale 1297
Harford & Baltimore Counties
Voiture Locale 1371
Caroline, Cecil,
Kent, Queen Anne
Talbot Counties
Current as of
*Over the Top
Mar 29,