
90th Grand Promenade

The Grande Promenade/Rendezvous will be held on Saturday, July 31, 2010 at American Legion, Potomac Post 202.
Potomac Post 202
400 American Legion Ave
Williamsport, MD
The Chairman of the Grande Promenade Committee is the Grand Correspondant Gene Benner and Linda Green will be the Grande Promenade Chairwoman serving the Grande Cabane.
Lunch to be served at 12 noon, price to be $15 per person, menu to be 2 pieces of fried chichen, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, salad, various dressings, vegetable, roll and butter, dessert, ice tea and coffee.
The Grande Voiture will pay for this affair, however; each person will pay the $15, checks payable to the Grande Voiture de Maryland. 
The Grand Correspondant will send out the reservation forms and the official call in April 2010, the cutoff date of 24 July 2010.
There are accomdations available at the Red Roof Inn, in Williamsport on a good price for Friday night.  There is a block off 20 non smoking double rooms and 5 smoking double rooms. 
This rate will be $65 plus tax for Friday night only, Saturday night rates are the Hotel's market rate.
When you call you must mention 40 and 8 of Maryland to get this rate, each person will pay the hotel directly.
310 East Potomac Street,
Williamsport, MD 21795
(301) 582-3500


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