Counterfeit Archives #3

Counterfeit Sellers Archive

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Added: April 30, 2002

Update: djtrance60005 April 30, 2002 (2)

djtrance60005 has pulled his head out far enough to respond:
You got that right, bro, I work for the IT industry. About 1400 people depend upon my business decisions, but according to you, it is nothing. But unfortunately, I don't have a seven-figure income, just a 5-figure. That's why I sell old junk that piles up around the house, instead of throwing it away. Does it also bother you? And I also have my home, my family, and pay my taxes, and every April 15th, have to mail a check to IRS just like other Americans? Does this also bother you? Does it also bother you that I'm an immigrant who became a citizen and lives the American dream?

People like you don't make this country prosper. People like you never have families or friends. You want to know why? Because people like you are mad jealous losers to whom every one else's success is a blow in a face. You are like a fungus that grows on trees before they die. Because of people like you events of Sept. 11th happened. People like you never change.

And as for the selling, I will continue selling my stuff no matter what you say or do. You haven't proved yet that I have a fake. You are a fake. Like you said, if you don't like me, sue me.

Our Response:
I would like to apologize for the delayed response, but that comes with the territory when you have to wait for an open computer here at the internet café. Maybe, you can sell me some of your "old junk" around your house to put a computer together.

Now in response to your email, please try to convince someone else of what you want to be when you grow up, not me - I don't care. I have no problems with you making a living selling used hardware from your house, there is no defined recipe for living the American Dream.

Al, what proof would it take to convince you that your cigars are counterfeit? An independent opinion, perhaps?

Cigar Aficionado Article
Freddy Kuzyk Article
Freddy's Picture of Glass-Top Cohibas
Another Article Article
The highly respected Rafael Bernardo

My question to you is why you think your cigars are authentic? My challenge to you, which I am confident you will not accept, is for you to show me proof that these are authentic.

[Rant mode on]
The fact that you have already shown a propensity for lying, that you are ignorant about the laws of our country, that you know these cigars are counterfeit and, yet, still try to take advantage of unsuspecting buyers, and the impudence to advertise your pseudo-patriotic, bullshit by using the horrific events of 9/11 to support your putrid existence and worthless auction, not only defines who you are, it sickens us that you were even allowed into this country.
[Rant mode off]



Update: djtrance60005 April 30, 2002 (1)

djtrance60005 has pulled his head out far enough to respond:
"Yet another profound comment from a buyer who is prohibited from bidding on my auctions. Their web site is listing all possible variations of counterfeit cigars in the section. Yet, it doesn't show mine. As for their comments about me on their site, I can tell you that I can trave anywhere in the world and conduct any sort of business I want any time. The fact that your website is hosted for free, shows that you don't even have any money, nor any will to make money. You only screw up other people. These pictures as well as personal info on my auction is my personal property. I don't remember giving you permission to use it on your website to conduct your business. Should I explain what copyright infringement is?"

Our Response:
Apparentlydjtrance60005 is angered that we did not list his variation of counterfeit cigars. But, had he pulled his head out a little further he would have seen that we have focused quite heavily on the glass-top Cohibas, which by reading his comments he admits to them being counterfeit.

djtrance60005 comments that he can trave(l) anywhere in the world and conduct any sort of business he wants at any time. From his auction history it looks like he is into selling low cost, used and remanufactured computer hardware. But of course that would be wrong of us to assume, since selling dusty hardware on eBay and Yahoo would probably not require him to travel all over the world to conduct his business and would also fall within the scope of our 40 year trade embargo with Cuba. No - this man is much more than that - I would say he is a seven-figure man, working as a font-line I/T specialists for a large international mergers-and-aquisitions conglomerate, with the ability to perform under pressure with minimal management direction while communicating effectively with executive "buyers" and, the wherewithal to collaborate with diverse organizations from all over the world. Yes - dat's our man.

Yes, this site is hosted for free. We would never spend a dime (that we don't have) of our money for a web site to put counterfeiters, like djtrance60005, out of business. Hell, this computer isn't even mine, nor is the internet connection. This is all being done from an internet cafe, and I'm working of my internet time by doing some light dusting. Doesn't it just piss you off that all this can be done for free.

Finally, if your reading this djtrance60005, as for your photos, personal info, copyright infringement, yada, yada, yada...SUE ME. Just get in line with all the other losers who can't sell their counterfeit auctions anymore.


djtrance60005 has a glass-top Cohiba Esplendido box up on Yahoo Auction. Some sellers are unaware that the cigars they are selling actually counterfeits. djtrance60005 knows that these are counterfeits and tries to justify his US$495 buy price as these are collectible cigars. He even goes so far as to provide with you several links on his auction to check out the prices of authentic Cohiba Esplendidos, "not a cheap Dominican imitation", as are his cigars.

You can also see that this guy is from Palatine, IL, yet he was in Cuba three weeks ago on business. I would like to find out what business he is in that enables him to conduct business in Cuba.

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Added: April 30, 2002

Update: bubbajjj2000 May 24, 2002(2)
has relisted his counterfeit boxes of Cohiba Esplendidos and Cohiba Robustos. In addition, he has added another auction of Montecristo No. 2 that he did not have listed the first time. It's obvious that he purchased this counterfeit box from the same source as it has the same type of very badly printed green warranty seal that has been badly misplaced on the box.

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Update: bubbajjj2000 May 5, 2002 (1)

He's finally got a couple of unsuspecting bidders to place bids on his auctions. Hopefully, they will realize that these are bogus boxes and retract their bids.


bubbajjj2000 has two auctions running currently with over 6 days left on both. One is for a counterfeit box of Cohiba Esplendidos, the other for a box of Cohiba Robustos. Both, are very blatant counterfeits.

I am not sure who this mdphotocc, after first I thought he was a shiller, someone who artificially inflates the price of auctions by bidding on them, but in the past week he placed bids on six different counterfeit auctions from various vendors winning three auctions for a total of US$650. Currently, he is the highest bidder on two counterfeit auctions, thus far totaling another US$450.

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Added: April 28, 2002

Update: hotlatinvideo May 15, 2002 (1)
We asked this seller if he had any other boxes that he would like to sell off eBay...guess what his response was?

hotlatinvideo has pulled his head out far enough to respond:

From: "Paul Johnson" <>
Date: Tue, 14 May 2002 22:25:05 -0700
Subject: your Cuban Cigar list from Simona

this is my cigar email address... we can communicate here from now
on... here is what is currently available as requested...

Montecristo A $350
Cohiba Piramides $350

@ $250

Cohiba Esplendidos
H. Upmann Sir Winston
MC #2
Cohiba Robusto
Partagas Series D #4
Quay D'Orsay Imperiales
Hoyo DC
Cohiba Lanceros
RJ Churchill Tubos

plus regular $30 shipping.

I have more than one box of some of the above.
Sent by Law Mail

snared an unsuspecting victim with his auction of faux Partagas Serie D's. From the pictures, the buyer should have easily identified these as counterfeits cigars, taking possesion of the cigars will not make him any more aware of that fact, which is why he left positive feedback for the seller. This is a good example of why we place little importance on the seller's feedback rating.

In an attempt to disassociate himself from our listing the seller on our web site, he has changed his seller id to habanos4u.


With less than 1 day left, this auction hassnared one unsuspecting bidder. Take at the photo on the top right. The warranty seal should be placed closer to left edge of lid. We have received additional photos from the buyer which shows a couple of errors. First, it shows an invalid factory code, EOT. Also, the red serial number on the warranty seal is incorrect.

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Added: April 28, 2002

Update: April 30, 2002

We just received an email from gabserv:
I just want to say you something. **** THANK YOU ! ****

I checked you web sit and if all these infos are true (I'm shure they are).... I own 3 conterfit cigars box ! :(

I really appreciate all your work to do this web site.

Anyway, I will advise the winner on my auction that my cigars are not authentics.....

I would appreciate if you was sending me a mail before.... Of course I can't blame you on this ! :) hehe !

Thanks again !


Update: April 29, 2002

There is another person on Yahoo who just put up an auction for Cohiba Esplendidos using the same picture (RED FLAG). Check it out. You would think that if this guy on Yahoo did steal someone's picture that he would at least steal an authentic Cohiba box picture.

eBay auction | Yahoo auction


There's about 1 day left on this counterfeit box of Cohiba Esplendidos, which has 3 bids and is up to US$212. A box of these will cost US$390 in Cuba from an authorized store location.

Take a look at the Habanos hallmarks on the back of the box. They lack the definition and clarity of an authentic box. The green warranty seal also lacks the color and the definition. But, what really announces this box as a counterfeit is the factory code on the back of the box. Take a look at the bottom right picture, while it is a little difficult to make out the entire code it is obvious that it is using the old "NIVELACUSO" code, which was not used after 1998. It also shows that it has the new warranty seal that was first used in 1999. If this box were to be authentic it would have to have the old warranty seal with the "NIVELACUSO" code.

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Added: April 25, 2002

Coming back from the dead is one of our Hall of Shamer's, midnightsqueaky. He's got a couple of auctions going right now both without picture, but no doubt, both are counterfeit.

I like his description on his Cohiba Lancero auction:

Added: April 24, 2002

Homey is trying to auction off a 5 cigar sampler of Montecristo #2's that he won on auction from Maroulin for US$282! There is currently three days left on his auction and he already has nine bids. The current bid price is US$60!

Take a look at the picture showing the back of his box, it lacks the necessary factory code stamp. It does, however, show a circular "INTUR" stamp that we have seen on many counterfeit boxes.

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Added: April 23, 2002

Update: April 25, 2002

I love it when we get emails back from counterfeit sellers: wrote:
I thought selling Cuban cigars in the US was illegal ?
Your right !! Stupidity IS limitless !! YOURS !!

You really need to get a life !!

He is right, though, I do need to get a life.


Now this is the kind of stuff that will get you inducted into our Hall of Shame. Check out c21jeffr's box of saran wrapped, glass-top Cohibas. While we have seen quite of few of these glass-top counterfeit Cohiba Esplendidos in the past, we have never seen one that has come from two different countries! The picture on the back of the box clearly states, "Hand Made in Dominican Republic", but it also has the white Habanos parchment paper! The stupidity of some counterfeiters is truly limitless.

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Festival del Habanos
Rant & Rave Archive
  • Return to the Days of Old - While the debate rages on regarding the quality of Cuban cigars released in 1999 through 2000, the 2001 vintage will no doubt be mentioned as one of the best years ever to be released from Cuba. << more >>