Counterfeit Archives #5

Counterfeit Sellers Archive

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Added: January 23, 2003
Auction Sellers What's wrong
Item # 3203381181 - Montecristo No. 2 megadragon

This seller is not offering one counterfeit box, he is offering SEVEN boxes for sale. While he has a lot of pictures on his auction they are of low quality. We did notice another stamp that we were unfamiliar with and asked the seller to send us with the standard - CLOSE UP OF THE RED SERIAL NUMBER AND BACK OF THE BOX - so we could examine them a little closer.

We received new pictures from the seller and it was as expected. Even though he sent us blurry pictures, they were still clear enough to prove that these cigars are counterfeits. The red serial number begins with an "A" yet the factory code shows that the cigars were rolled in Feb 2002, which we know could not be true as they were already on "B" at the start of 2002. There is also a bogus "Entregado" stamp on the back of the box, similar to that of the "VENDIDO POR INTUR" stamp to make it look more authentic.

In his email to us Alex comments that he personally hand selected these cigars and had them banded and boxed , and that he had to bribe someone in the factory to do it. Now, if he had to bribe someone there is no way is walking out with seven boxes from the upstairs rolling area! Ok....for all you still none believers let's assume that he did bribe someone to let him hand select 175 cigars, then carry them to have them banded, then boxed, then taken to be sealed, then stamped with a "FEB 02" stamp. Then he waited in Cuba another seven months to have then stamp the "ENTREGADO OCT 2002" stamp (which isn't even an authorized stamp)!!! Please, peddle your Bullsh** somewhere else.

What's even sadder is that he send links to Steve Saka's and Rafael Bernardo's web site to lend credibility to his auctions indicating that he is aware that fakes are out there and that he knows how to tell the difference.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ramon []
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 10:24 AM
To: 'Alex'
Subject: RE: Question for seller -- Item #3203381181, let me restate that, LOL!!! What's the matter? It is ok to
peddle counterfeits, but it's not ok for someone to point them out?

Your email gives us the satisfaction for the existence of our web site.

Shut us down??? Many counterfeit sellers have tried and you will not be
the first to succeed.

Habanos R US

-----Original Message-----
From: Alex []
Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2003 9:07 AM
To: 'Ramon'
Subject: RE: Question for seller -- Item #3203381181

Are you guys emailing all my costumers with you web site? If so, I am
sorry but I will be forced to shut you down.

UPDATE: January 24th, 2003 - How does Alex define his cigars as authentic Montecristo No. 2's???
-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Kagan []
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 4:21 PM
To: Ramon
Subject: Re: Question for seller -- Item #3203381181

Well I do not care, I brought cigars from Cuba made by Cuban's from leaves
that where grown in Cuba tell me how those are not Cuban????????

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ramon" <>
To: "'Alex Kagan'" <>
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 6:37 PM
Subject: RE: Question for seller -- Item #3203381181

> No thanks...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alex Kagan []
> Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 3:13 PM
> To: Ramon
> Subject: Re: Question for seller -- Item #3203381181
> Pretty cool site, I like it. Sorry for the blurry pictures I did not do
> it
> on purpose, I took them with my phone. So do you still want free cigar
> or
> what?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ramon" <>
> To: "'Alex Kagan'" <>
> Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 5:40 PM
> Subject: RE: Question for seller -- Item #3203381181
> > You have been updated on our site.
> >
> >
> >
> >



Added: January 3, 2003
Auction Seller What's wrong
Item # 752390034 - Glass-top Cohibas mad*4*plaid What would the world be without the occasional "glass-top" Cohiba Esplendido.
Item # 752416780 - Montecristo #2 cniehaus1966

I always love seeing these bogus boxes that have all the labels displayed in pristine condition on top of the cigars. Funny (sad) thing is, so does wizard77 who has put a bid of $100.00 dollars for this piece of shit.

Item # 752705261 - Cohiba Esplendidos frankpiazza Maybe frankpizza should find some new friends who don't ask him to sell their counterfeit Cuban cigars on eBay.


Added: January 2, 2003
Auction Seller What's wrong
Item # 752221806 - Montecristo #2 pat4445 This seller has several counterfeit boxes up for auction. We have just received additional photos of his box and it indicates several problems with the box. First, the red serial number starts with DB and it has a factory date code of AUG02. If this box were authentic it would have a red serial number that starts with the letter B. The seller also states in his email that he purchased the box from the La Corona factory, but the factory code on the back of the box indicates that it was manufactured in the Partagas factory. ALL OF HIS AUCTIONS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED COUNTERFEIT.
Item # 752069754 - Montecristo #2 laz1818

This seller has several counterfeit auctions going. We received additional photos of this Montecristo #2, which prove that they are blatant counterfeits. First, the serial number starts with AB and it has a factory code date of AUG02. Again, just like the joker above, we know that the code date should start with a B. Also, there are only 5 digits on the serial number and there MUST be 6 digits. His box also has the "VENDIDO EN CUBA: TIENDAS INTUR" stamp to make people think that it was approved by the Cuba Turism board.

Lastly, this seller is located from the #1 location of counterfeit Cuba cigar sellers - MIAMI!!!

Item # 752062960 - Montecristo #4 chicodon Again, we cannot stress the IMPORTANCE of requesting additional pictures of the box that sellers have up for auction. We received another picture from a seller and it, again, proves that the box he has up for auction is a counterfeit. Not only does the red serial number start with the wrong letter, but it has to be one of the worst looking counterfeit warranty seals that we have ever seen.

Email from chicodon:

Thanks for the informative information...Ramon

>From: "Aaron Amadi" <>
>To: "Cuba Libre" <>
>Subject: Re: Question for seller -- Item #752062960
>Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2003 23:36:38 -0500
>well like i said i dont know much bout cigars...and my couzin bout it 2
>weeks ago from cuba... i dont think its a duplicate because she told me that
>she bought it from the cigar factory of monte cristo while she had a tour
>through the factory. for that reason, for example the sticker that says
>Habano with yellow red lines isnt even used yet and brand u.... the same
>thing with the seal. the box wasnt sealed at all. i dont think u know what u
>talking about unless u r a cigar specialist from cuba what i
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Cuba Libre" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2003 4:41 PM
>Subject: Re: Question for seller -- Item #752062960
> > It is pretty obvious from the pictures you sent and your description on
> > back of the box confirmed it.
> >
> > Ramon

Item # 752119451 - Bolivar Belicosos brujaa

Has posted several more counterfeit auctions, all as blatant as her others. Here is a list of her counterfeits.



Added: December 29, 2002
Auction Seller What's wrong
Item # 751665091 - Partagas Churchills junco311 The green warranty seal has been applied in the wrong location; closer examinational will show other problems.
Item # 751971062 - Sancho Panza brujaa This bogus green warranty seal has been misapplied. It also looks like the red serial numbers were actually printed on the green area of the seal.
Item # 751526193 - Montecristo #2 derbandi These type of counterfeits are not new. Apparantly, these guys think that it will make the box more desireable if all the labels and seals have not been applied to the box. More times than not, these are not stickers at all, but pieces of paper that have been printed using a cheap scanner and printer and cannot be applied to the box.
Item # 750533341 - Cohiba Esplendidos 32kp

Here is an auction for a box of counterfeit Cohiba Esplendidos. From the picture itself it is difficult to tell if this is a counterfeit box or not, and this is when you NEED to ask the seller additional questions. It is a common ploy for counterfeit sellers to lift pictures from other auctions. Here is the sellers response to our request for additional pictures:

>From: Kent <>
>Subject: Re: Question for seller -- Item #751832596
>Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 12:29:40 -0700
>Like I said before, I have no digital camera.
>The Serial # is DH032446

So, OBVIOUSLY, the picture that he is using on his auctions are not that of his own. Sure a lot of sellers of authentic items use pictures that are not of their own, what's the big deal. Most sellers are selling items that do not have a high counterfeit rate - like Cuban cigars. The clue that rubber stamped this seller's auction as counterfeit was the serial number that he provided. This serial number is NOT currently being used as of yet.

Item # 751894066 - Montecristo No. 4 jason_schmeetz Here is a box of Montecristo No.4's. The what we can tell from this picture is that the label is slightly off. We have reqeusted additional pictures from the seller before we will make a determination.
Item # 751971451 - Partagas 8-9-9 brujaa

Here is another counterfeit auction from brujaa. Authentic Partagas 8-9-8's (varnished or unvarnished) do not have the green warranty seal applied to the box.


We have just received an email from brujaa (which means WITCH in Spanish). Hopefully, this witch will take some of the money that she steals from people and put it towards some good English lessons.

blatant are you mom and counterfeits is your father ,i sent now this email at ebay claim because all this are you you don't not about tobaccos blatant. i can take your addres about ebay .

>Subject: Question for seller -- Item #751971451
>Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 11:15:37 PST
>these are blatant counterfeits
>Question from: habanos-r-us
>Title of item: COHIBA "PARTAGAS"
>Seller: brujaa
>Starts: Dec-30-02 07:51:13 PST
>Ends: Jan-02-03 07:51:13 PST
>Price: Starts at $170.00
>To view the item, go to:
> Visit eBay, The World's Online Marketplace TM at

Item # 751832596 - Montecristo #2 32kp Here is another auction from 32kp. We asked him pictures, but he said that he could not provide any because he does not have a digital camera. So the pictures that he is using for his auction are either pictures from someone elses auction, or he had someone take pictures of his boxes. Irregardless, he has given us the red serial number on this box, DH032446, which is not a valid serial number at this time. THIS BOX IS BOGUS AND HIS OTHER AUCTION SHOULD BE CONSIDERED COUNTERFEIT AS WELL.
Item # 751446655 - Cohiba Esplendidos lalho

This auction for Cohiba Esplendidos is not only counterfeit, his box is just plain filthy. Take a look at this picture, it is a GREAT picture in that this is the size and quality of pictures that all sellers should post, if not, they should ALWAYS be considered as counterfeiters. This pictures shows that there are a couple of things wrong with the box, first, take a look at the HALLMARKS which are very messy. If this box were authentic the HALLMARKS will be clean and crisp. Second, if you look close this box is using the NIVELACUSO coding scheme, but it shows a NEW WARRANTY SEAL. Habanos SA stopped using the NIVELACUSO coding scheme at the end of 1998, the NEW WARRANTY SEAL was introduced in 1999. In other words, the NIVELACUSO box scheme was never used with the NEW WARRANTY SEAL.

There are a couple of things that we find disturbing with this box. The biggest problem that we have is that the seller is located in MIAMI, and if you haven't heard us say it before, WE HAVE NEVER SEEN AN AUTHENTIC BOX SOLD OUT OF FLORIDA - EVER!!! Another common practice is that of shilling (creating false accounts to bid up your own auction), which is illegal, but we have seen many counterfeiters use this practice. After all, there moral standards are that high to begin with.



Added: December 27, 2002

The number of counterfeit sellers has greatly diminished and we have decided to leave the site up as a reference center. As we wrap up 2002 we continue to see the same type of counterfeit sellers on eBay. EVERY auction that we have seen from FLORIDA has been counterfeits, sellers to have lame excuses for not posting pictures, or fail to respond to our request additional pictures. However, every now and then there appears an auction which screams to be added to our web site. The following is one of those auctions.

Counterfeit 1: Romeo y Julieta Churchills
These are some of the funniest Cuban cigars that we have seen in some time. The pictures speak for themselves. Click on the small pictures to enlarge. The first picture shows a really bad warranty label. Some of the "red" serial number is actually printed on the green part of the label! Also, this box is wrapped in a celo wrapper. Take a look at the last picture on the right. It has the code "FPG OSSN"; which when translated means that this box was suppose to have come out of the Partagas factory on 09/91!!! Damn, I only wish that were true. As everyone knows, this box, if it was rolled in the '91 would be selling at Christies Auction house and not on eBay. Not only that, but if this were rolled in '91 it certainly would not have the new warranty seal on the box.

You gotta love these counterfeit sellers, they provide us with a never ending supply of comedy.

Added: July 1, 2002

Here is another box from the Land of the Counterfeit Cuban Cigars, FLORIDA.

Email response:
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, July 01, 2002 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: Question for seller -- Item #2115656496

my digital camera broke but the seal is in tacked AND ITS WHITE AND GREEN THE SEAL LOOKS LIKE THE MONEY BILL the box was purchased in havana cuba the week of mothers day the winning bidder will get the bag my mother in law got when she bought the box in havana cuba the code on the box is ECA-CCUE trust me it is very hard to read the code up close in a picture TRUST ME U WONT BE DISAPPOINTED THIS IS THE REAL THING STR8 FROM HAVANA CUBA AND I AS THE SELLER WILL STAND BEHIND THIS PRODUCT 100% LET ME ME KNOW THANKS

Another broken digital camera!


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, July 01, 2002 3:13 PM
Subject: Re: Question for seller -- Item #2115656496

ur a pussy man y u have to post peoples auctions on ur stupid web site asshole for all i know ur selling fake ones too LOSER

Not only is this guy rude, but he is stupid and admits that he is selling fake Cuban cigars.

Counterfeit 1: H.Upmann Regalias
Take a look at this box. His pictures are rather small but it appears to have the old warranty seal, and making out the factory code is near impossible. We emailed the seller to request a close up picture of the back of the box so we could read the factory code. Yes, even we overlook things, if look again, you'll see that it was not necessary for the seller to us the picture. The pictures that he provided on the auction is sufficient enough to ID this box as a counterfeit. Can you tell what it is? If you need some help email us here at put H.Upmann Regalias in the subject line.
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge
Additional picture emailed to us by the seller. Not much better...I guess he got his digital camera working. Nonetheless, we can still determine that this box is a counterfeit with or without the requested pictures.
Click to enlarge    
Added: July 1, 2002

Here's a "Good O Boy" out of Alabama with a counterfeit box of R y J No. 4's. While it is rare to see someone post an auction for "Cuban" cigars on Yahoo, there will always be that one guy who thinks he can sneak under our radar.

He also has another auction for R y J Churchills which we also requested that additional pictures be sent. We believe that this guy is shilling his auction and driving up the price. Both of his auctions have bids buy the same buyer, who only has a feedback rating of one, which was from guess who??? br14942000 and guess what box this bidder purchased??? That's right...Romeo y Julieta Exhibicion No. 4. Do these seller's think that people are really as stupid as they are and cannot figure things out??? There is a little more than 2 hours left on both of these auctions...after the auctions ends we'll send the seller an email asking him if these boxes are still available...I'll bet that they will be.

Counterfeit 1: Romeo y Julieta Exhibicion No. 4
We have requested additional pictures of this box, however, it is pretty obvious from the pictures that he provides with his auction that this is a counterfeit box.
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge
Added: June 30, 2002

Here is a seller who admits that she is selling this box of Cohiba Lanceros her step father who purchased this box on the streets of Cuba recently. She had a buy price on this box for US$210. Authentic Cohiba Lanceros sell for no LESS than US$400 in an authorized location, while they can be purchased on the streets of Cuba from jinteros for US$40. This seller has two, and probably more, if you ask, of the same cigar.

As we have mentioned before, we have NEVER seen an authentic box being sold from someone out of Florida. Why? Because many Cuban nationals live in Florida and are permitted a limited number of visits to Cuba each year. While there they purchase these counterfeit boxes to help finanance their visits to Cuba by trying to sell these cigars in the states.


Counterfeit 1: Cohiba Lancero
Take a look at this counterfeit box and look closely at the warranty seal. Not only has it been misplaced on the box, but you can read that the red serial number is incorrect. No authentic Cuban cigars have yet to been released with the "LX" serial of June, all Cuban cigars should have the "B?" serial number, with the exception of the "XX" label.
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge  
Added: June 17, 2002

Here is a seller that has around 10 different boxes up for auction. In his description he says that he has recently lost his job, so I guess that is why he is selling off his collection of cigars. But, if one is so hard up for cash to sell off his cigars why would you then go bidding on expensive items??? Here is a list of items that this seller has recently bid on - some as high as $2000.00.

Now...we're not going to list what is wrong with all his cigars, but we will examine a few so you get the idea.


Counterfeit 1: Don Alejandro Unicos
Just looking at the washed out colors of the green warranty seal is enough to have turned us away, but confirmation of the authenticity, or lack thereof, comes from the red serial numbers which start with "WD". NO authentic Cuban cigars have yet to be released with the "WD" serial number. After visitng numerous shops and factories in Havana I can tell you that at the most progressive serial number we saw was "BL".
Click to enlarge Click to enlarge Click to enlarge
Added: June 17, 2002

Here is a unique twist on the infamous counterfeit glass-top Cohibas Esplendidos, a box of glass-top Cohiba Piramides. Howver, don't be fooled, it is every bit as its glass-top Esplendido brother.


Added: June 2, 2002

Here is an auction from a seller out of New York. He states that this box is starting at the fraction of the US$300+ (the actual price is closer to around US$400) retail price for an authentic box. What he fails to mention is that this box is starting at double the price he paid for this counterfeit box. I will give this guy credit, he has great pictures.


If the counterfeit seller did one thing right, it was to put nice, big, clear pictures of this counterfeit box on his auction. From the first picture (top-left) we can easily tell that this is a counterfeit box. the green warranty seal is not only placed in a wrong location (it should be located under the Cohiba logo), but it has also been applied incorrectly with the first fold passing through the middle of the label and not through the Cuban shield. The second picture is a GOOD one! take a look at the substandard printing of the red serial numbers, also notice that the red ink smeared on the label. The last picture (bottom left) is also a very good picture to examine. Here you will notice that the Hallmarks were actually rubber-stamped onto the box. Authentic boxes are branded onto to the box and actually leave a depression.


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Added: June 2, 2002

Here are a couple of auctions by seller based in Germany. eBay Germany has the largest number of counterfeit Cuban boxes on eBay. I guess it is not surprising to see some of these guys cross over the Atlantic to sell some of these counterfeits and fund their vacations to Cuba.


Counterfeit #1: COHIBA ESPLENDIDOS 25 CT.
The first two pictures don't look that bad and nothing is glaringly wrong with the box, however, if you take a look at the third picture you will see that this box has the NIVELACUSO code, which was last used in 1998, and then, only appeared with the old warranty seal (without the red serial numbers).

Click to enlarge

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Counterfeit #2: Beautiful Box of MONTECRISTO A , 25 CT. Here's a typical counterfeit Montecristo A box which shows the green warranty seal attached to the box itself. Authentic Montecristo A's come in a cardboard box with the green warrant seal applied to the cardboard box. The factory box code is also applied to the outside back of the cardboard box.

Click to enlarge

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Added: May 25, 2002

Here is an auction that did not have any pictures. If you see an auction like this just email the seller and tell him you would like pictures of the front and back of the box, as well as, a clear close up of the green warranty seal showing the red serial numbers. Never bid on any auction unless the seller provides actual pictures of the box that is being sold.

Looking at the first picture, it would be very difficult to identify this box as a counterfeit. The green warranty seal looks very good. However, when you take a look at the second picture, the box screams counterfeit. This box has the new green warranty seal, which was applied to all boxes produced after 1998, but the box code that is stamped on the back of the box indicates that this box was produced in 07/1997 -- NOT!

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Festival del Habanos
Rant & Rave Archive
  • Return to the Days of Old - While the debate rages on regarding the quality of Cuban cigars released in 1999 through 2000, the 2001 vintage will no doubt be mentioned as one of the best years ever to be released from Cuba. << more >>