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Click on picture for a larger version. This page contains 25 photos. Please scroll down.


Above: Venus 42, "Moon". Built and owned for many years by John and Gill Frith of Bermuda. John, approached Paul in the early seventies about designing a big roomy boat for he and his family to live aboard. This is the result. Paul liked the big boat so much that he sold the 28 and built one too!


Above: "Moon". John and Gill Frith built, and sailed her many thousands of miles over a period of twenty years. He and his family lived aboard, and spent summers in Bermuda and winters in the West Indies.


Above: Off Nevis is the Venus 42 "Norn", which owners Chris and Jane Francis of the U.K. circumnavigated the globe. "Norn" and her crew sailed non-stop from New Zealand to England via Cape Horn.


Above: Paul Johnson's original Venus 28. This vessel has done an incredible number of ocean miles.


Above: Paul Johnson's big Venus, the 42 footer is seen berthed at the Elephant Boatyard in Lower Swanwick, U.K.
Paul and Venus were seen in many ports in the Atlantic and Pacific during the 70's and 80's.


Above: Paul Johnson's latest Venus, a 38 footer. The photo was taken from "Stellar" our Venus 42. We are anchored in Ile de Forsche, which is a high, uninhabited island between St. Martin and St. Barth. Also shown is my son Josh. Photo taken in 1996.


Above: My first Venus, a 34 footer which I built in Bermuda.


Paul Johnson's Venus 42, "Venus" seen here in Bermuda in the eighties. Paul sailed this 20 tonner singlehanded, and without any electronics, or self steering gear!


Above: "Venus". I am always amazed that these boats are beautiful from every angle. A lovely blend of form and function.

A beach house; Actual size=240 pixels wide

Above: Big Mike Murphy puts the Venus 42 that he built through her paces!


Above: Paul Johnson's present "Venus". Seen here in the Caribbean in 1998.


Above: "Stellar" my Venus 42 anchored off Pinney's Beach, Nevis. 1996.


Above: And again!


Above: "Shadrach" the Venus 34 that I built in the early eighties. Today she has been renamed "Seeker". Photo taken in Gustavia, St. Barth, 1990. The little boy on deck is my oldest son Joshua.


Above: Venus 34 "Shadrach" off Antigua. 1990. Having fun with an extra jib!


Above: This photo was taken in 1998, and shows three Venus ketches in Columbier Bay, St. Barth. They are from left Venus 42,"Kwela" built in South Africa, "Stellar" built in Bermuda, and Paul's latest a Venus 38, that he built in the United States.


Above: "Norn" a Venus 42 built in the U.K.


Above: "Segue", a Venus 34, owned by Steve Hollis the sailmaker from Bermuda.


Above: "Moon"


Above: "Venus" and "Kwela" in the Anagada Passage. Photo taken from "Stellar". 1998


Above: "Venus" 1996


Above: Early morning in Bermuda. "Shadrach" and "Moon" 1990.


Above: "Venus". Sunset in the Anegada Passage.


Above: "Stellar" docked at Hinsons Island, Bermuda. 1999.


Above: "Neya", a Venus 28 in Halifax, N.S.

Venus Photos, Page3