Mech Lab



Whats new in the Lab...

--TOTAL OVERHAUL 15/7/03--
There's a bug in the room that could be easilly exploited, so we've moved to a different room and your RP can now be found in #MechLab

Its the same ops, the same characters, the same everything, but in a different room.

In other news I'd like to welcome aboard Jadenn and Wildfire_Ryo.
Theyre fine players and Im sure theyll be a great addition to the game.

--Another general update 13/06/03--
Welcome aboard Malchir with his character Rob White. He's been hanging around a lot and watching us, so hopefully he'll be a good addition to the team ^_^

Ive also added a couple of Logs...cause I know how much you love them ^_^

--Another update!25/05/03--
Yes indeed, another update to the site.
This one welcomes our newest playes Slade, with his character Slade Blackwood. Hope you enjoy your stay and have many a wonderful RP session ^_^
Also, thank you to Untitled-CFF4 for coming in and giving us some assured we're batting them around right now.
-Andy (A-C)

--The site is up! 24/05/03--
Well as you may have noticed...Mech Lab now has a website, yay!
There's not really much to say right now, but whenever something happens in the Lab, you can read more about it here.
-Andy (A-C)