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What goes on in the Lab...
--The Lab--
The Lab is situated somewhere in the ruins of New York. There are sleeping quarters, male and female restrooms, a kitchen, a dining room, most anything you'd expect to find in a large house (for maps, see the extras section)
Time passes in mech lab at the standard earth rate (24 hours in a day 7 days in a week and so on) however character ageing depends entirley on whether or not the player wishes their character to age (within reason, though. To have an android grow old and grey just isnt gonna happen)
The lab is player evolutive to an extent (that meaning we dont have plans for the 2nd and 3rd floors yet) but once the maps have been drawn up they are FINAL and CANNOT be altered.
There is, of course, an outside to the world.
The conditions in the ruins of the city are harsh, but standable.
Weather-wise, there can be anything from blazing heat to pleasant breezes to violent sandstorms.
The Lab itself is set and cannot be changed, however outside is a player-evolutive world. As a player, you can do anything you want to further the storyline, WITHIN LIMITS. Make sure that, if you plan on doing something, no other player has anything planned that could conflict with what you have in mind.
Multiple characters are acceptable but you need to have played a good while first. If your character is barely known by any other and if you've just joined a month or two ago, forget it. Also, characters are FINAL. If you submit a character and that character is accepted, you can't simply drop him/her for another a week later.
Finally, the consent rule is in play.
This means that if, say, you decide to attack another character, it is up to THEM to decide whether the attack hit them or not. You can't play their character for them and say they were hit.
Of course it goes without saying that both sides have to be reasonable and that a player can't exceed their characters limits.
Proper judgement and common sense is required from both parties.
--Other things to know--
Check with one of the ops before you bring in advanced technology.
That is-if you suddenly decide to have a mech come out of nowhere ask to check the feasibility before you do...any technology you decide to bring in will be acceptable (the ops will tell you if you are too powerful too soon)
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