daas n daas
Langar Hall
Langar Hall
~The Awakening~ Part 1 "The Sleeping Queen"
Part 2 "The Sleeping Thief"
Part 3 "The Sleeping Farmer"
Part 4 "The Awake One"
Part 5 "The Awaker"
Part 6 "Maya, the Enticer"
Part 7 "The Beautiful One"
Part 8 "The Gurmukh One"
Part 9 "The Knowing One"
Part 10 "Waheguru, the only ONE"
Warriors in Name
Ticket to Sachkhand
We are the KHALSA
jan naanak ~daasan daas~ kahee-at hai, mohe karho kripaa Thakur apunee
Servant Nanak is said to be the ~slave of the slaves~ of my Lord and Master, please bless me with Your Mercy.
i am so proud. I have received an invitation to the High Emperor's banquet. Carefully i bathe, and anointe myself in costly perfumes, put on my best silk raiment's. i oil and plait and dress and coil my hair. i put on my finest jewels. At last i am ready, wearing my very finest, i am to sit at the Emperors table. my heart sings in gladness.
i enter the hall, here the Emperor is sitting at the head of his table beckoning me to come in. His table is filled with the 36 delicacies. White table linens, crystal goblets, brimming with the finest wines, golden plates and the finest cutlery grace his table. A chandelier shines with the light of a thousand suns. The most delicious aromas drift through the hall, enticing the tongue with their flavors. I am completely over come by his opulence.

i am uncultured, and do not have the slightest idea of how to begin to partake of this feast. Here in the midst plenty, i will starve. Not knowing in the least of how to take.



kookar kitchen

"hum kookar teraa darbaar"
~i am a dog of your court~

Tears spring to my eyes. Please just allow me some crumbs from your plate. Be merciful and feed me with your hand, like a child, I have no knowledge of using fine utensils.

Weeping, i realize, i am a mere beggar, dressed in rags, filthy and unkempt, my hands are not clean. I am of low birth. My life is one filled with sinful activities. I am not worthy to be in this palace. Sobbing, pleading, please just let me take leftovers from the plates of your servants, and clean their feet. Even that is too good for my sort.

Covering my face i weep, only let me have a place amoung the dogs of your court. i will take only their leavings.

Let me serve them, and fill their bowl with the crimson tears of my remorse.

Utter shame only
The Slave dog

In the verses `Nasaro Mansoor Guru Gobind Singh' written by the the
court poet Bhai Nand Laal Jee, there is a line near the end  which says

'Laal Sag Gulaam Guru Gobind Singh' 
Laal means Bhai Nand Laal ji,
Sag means dog,
              Gulaam means slave                
and Guru Gobind Singh means....everything to me
Bhai Nand Laal ji having praised and praised Guru Gobind Singh ji in
this shabad signs it off saying

                             'Laal is the slave dog of Guru Gobind Singh ji. '                              
Bhai Nand Laal ji is saying Guru Gobind Singh ji's darshan is so
wondrous that I cant take my eyes off him for even a moment. 
Like when a dog eagerly watches his master eating, sitting quietly and
with fixed attention, Bhai Nand Laal ji waits for Guru Gobind Singh
                                                  ji to throw him some scraps.                                                   
The Guru's always refer to Sikhs as Brothers (Bhai), Sisters
(Paana), beloved (Pyara), GurMukh, GurSikh, blissful brides (sundar naree).
But the Sikhs are too humble and know they are not at the
same status as Guru ji, hence call Guru ji  master and themselves
Kookar (dog) eg
`hum kookar tera darbar...i am a dog of your court'
