Part V - "Keertan, the Awaker" ====================
As I went about my
duties on the farm my soul was soaring, over and over I heard the words:
soea rahe maya madh mate jaagat bhagat
simrat har rate ||(m: 5, 388)
"The mortals are asleep, intoxicated with the wine of Maya. The devotees remain awake,
imbued with the Lord's meditation."
running through my mind. It was hard to be patient.
At last, the day
for the keertan came, the day when I would again meet with Sat Kartar Singh. Carefully we prepared, bathing and dressing
in our finest clothes, we approached the home of the farmer Sat Kartar Singh. He greeted us and motioned us to sit close
to the people performing the keertan. Looking around I noticed right away, that the others who came for the keertan
were dressed very simply.
Sat Kartar Singh sat in front of the vaja, he closed his eyes and began to sing. It
was the same hymn a first heard him singing, the answer to my prayer:
gurmukh jaag rahe
din raatee sache kee liv gurmat jaatee ||
manmukh sooea rahe se loote
gurmurkh sabat bhai hey || (m: 1, 1024)
"The Gurmukhs remain awake and aware, day and night. Following the Guru's
Teachings, they know the Love of the True Lord.
The self-willed manmukhs remain asleep, and are plundered.
The Gurmukhs remain safe and sound, O Siblings of Destiny."
I felt as if
he was singing just to me, just for me. I couldn't take my eyes from his face, It was incredibly beautiful, bathed in light,
it made me want to weep inside, that there could exist sach beauty, all over again my longing started.
As he sang
the light around him increased its glow until it shone so brightly that all the others in the room seemed pale and transparent,
almost unreal and unmoving. It was as if only the two of us existed, and were real, the others were merely a back ground
on which we were painted in golden bright light.
After an undetermined amount of time, his song finallly came to an
end. I was filled up inside with his beauty. I longed to ask him many questions. He just looked at me with his deeply
aware, awake, eyes and nodded.
to be continued....