daas n daas
Ticket to Sachkhand
Langar Hall
~The Awakening~ Part 1 "The Sleeping Queen"
Part 2 "The Sleeping Thief"
Part 3 "The Sleeping Farmer"
Part 4 "The Awake One"
Part 5 "The Awaker"
Part 6 "Maya, the Enticer"
Part 7 "The Beautiful One"
Part 8 "The Gurmukh One"
Part 9 "The Knowing One"
Part 10 "Waheguru, the only ONE"
Warriors in Name
Ticket to Sachkhand
We are the KHALSA


Principal Characters:

Bibi jee - a gursikh who is inquiring about a trip to Sach Khand from

daas - a simple minded villager who has been hired to sell tickets to Sach Khand

The play begins when Bibi jee heard daas say that tickets to Sach Khand are available.....

BIBI: I was hoping you could explain about the 'ticket' to Sach khand. Can one buy one?

DAAS: Sure, the panj pyare sell them at various locations at various times of the year. Although the high season is April time - Vaisakee to be precise.

BIBI: How does one go about making this purchase?

DAAS: Easy, one has to drop their worldly wisdom.

BIBI: Do you know the cost?

DAAS: The cost, pyari bibi jee, is rather high. It is nothing less than one's head.

BIBI: What does one need to take this trip?

DAAS: The right question would, "What does one need *not* take on this trip?" The answer is, "everything".

BIBI: And where does one go?

DAAS: It really depends on how much of a frequent flyer you are. The more frequent flyer miles you have, the less you have to travel.At first, the journey takes months of flying. Then when the frequent flyer miles are maximum, there is nowhere to go. The destination is here and now.

BIBI: Is it beautifully exquisite there?

DAAS: Bibi jee, what does this poor daas know? I have just been hired to do the trip's PR..Bibi jee, if you could spare this wreck some of your travel money so that this poverty-stricken daas could also one day travel to the place this daas talks so much about.

DAAS: Bibi jee, please have mercy. I am hungry and thirsty. Please spare some of your travel money. Daas too wants to travel with you, but daas has no airfare. Perhaps if you and your rich sangis would be kind enough to donate some of your travel money, this daas could one day also hope to sit at the same level as you and travel to the destination this daas has heard so much about.

DAAS: Bibi jee, have mercy, please.

BIBI: What's the scenery like.

DAAS: Once again, pyari bibi jee, daas has only heard about this destination. Daas has heard wonderful things, bibi jee - the trip is worth the cost, bibi jee, it is definately worth the cost.

: There is nothing but light there, bibi jee. And daas has heard lovers whisper to each other that this light is nothing like the light daas sees here. This light is made of primal element called prem(love). Bibi jee, these lovers who I overheard, bibi jee, said a lot of things that this illiterate daas could not understand. They whispered that there is no such thing as time - "akaal" they repeated several times. Then they said there is no need to take a taxi or a bus to go anywhere - now, bibi jee, daas does not understand how that is possible - but this is what those lovers whispered, they said it is possible to travel with something they called "will". Then they also whispered that everything sings praises of the One, bibi jee, the One. Even flowers which are made of light, sing. This poor daas does not understand, bibi jee. bibi jee, you are cultured and rich, please,please,please bibi jee, have mercy, have mercy and make this poor one understand. Please bibi jee, I will do whatever you tell me.

BIBI: Is there much sand. What I mean is, do you need to take beach wear?

DAAS: Bibi jee, I do not recall a mention of sand, bibi jee, Perhaps when the lovers were whispering deep into the night, daas nodded off, as is the habit of this fool.

BIBI: And what about the food?

DAAS: The lovers said the food is the One's praise.

BIBI: Are the natives friendly?

DAAS: The lovers said all the natives are lovers there. Now bibi jee, please tell me daas is a fool and an idiot, this fool has most definitely heard something wrong. Now, my rich and cultured bibi jee, how can it be possible for all the natives to be lovers?

BIBI: Ok last question, does it get really cold? Mmm...

: The lovers said that there is no change in the weather there. They said, it is always "glowing with prem (love)".

The play ends as Bibi jee walks away counting down the days to Vaisaikhee when she too can purchase her ticket from the Punj Pyare.

Punj Pyare = 5 Beloved Ones Administers of AMrit & naAM in the Initiation Baptism Ceremony AMrit Sanchaar
