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Viewable With Any Browser
Viewable With Any Browser

The pages' author, Cari Burstein says "I am very unhappy with the current trend towards web sites designing only for specific browsers and ignoring others. It's extremely annoying to me to visit a web site and to find that I've been rejected until I come back with Netscape or Internet Explorer. It's also annoying to visit web sites that allow you in with any browser, but rely heavily on tags only supported in a few popular browsers, or leave out support for text browsers." As well as encouraging users to join the campaign, the page lists many useful links to sites which will help you to make your pages more accessible and less 'browser-specific'.

Web Page Repair
Web Page Re<p>air

Making sure that your web pages will work with any browser is a difficult task - often you will end up with a page that lacks punch. Web Page Re<p>air (yes, that's how they write it!) has an excellent article entitled "Designing for Multiple Browsers Without Being Bland", which say it all! Also on this site you'll find articles on widening your web site audience, on-line tools you can use, free web/internet software and a "MispelledMisspelled Word of the Week page.

Better HomePage

Better Homepage

Helpful guidance for beginners on planning and laying out a web site. Sections include Planning, Layout, Navigation and Images. The site also contains articles on Java, Getting Hits and other tips and tricks.

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World Wide Web Consortium
Style Guide for Online Hypertext

This is an informal document produced for the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). In spite of it's rather pompous title it is a short, readable set of pages setting out the more obvious (but often forgotten) points about designing a web page. A little bot out of date in parts.

Web Pages That Suck!

Learn how to design good web pages by looking at examples of bad ones! An amusing site that will teach you a lot (one day I'll get round to applying the lessons to this site).

Designing an Accessible Web

A number of very useful documents and links containing advice about designing web pages so that they are accessible by blind and partially-sighted people.

Bobby (Center for Applied Special Technology - CAST)

Bobby is a free web-based service that will help you make web pages accessible to people with disabilities. It will also find HTML compatibility problems that prevent pages from displaying correctly on different web browsers.

Web Developers' Virtual Library
Web Developers' Style Guides (Web Developers' Virtual Library)

A nice set of links to various style and design guides. This site contains some broken links and also managed to crash Internet Explorer 4 but is well worth browsing around for other information useful to web page designers.

Web Develop
Web Develop (John December)

"What does it take to create an effective Web site? HTML skills? A talent for page design? In my opinion, it takes much more...". So says John December and he goes on to give a quick precis of the 6 processes and 6 elements which he believes successful web page designers should consider.

Top Ten Tips
Dmitry Kirsanov's Top Ten Tips

Absolutely required reading for anyone about to start designing their own site. Articles on text effects, seamless backgrounds, using non-breaking spaces and more.

WebWonk (David Siegel)

Another excellent set of tips, particularly about the use of text and the control of white space on the page. Written from a typographer's point of view showing how the rules of good typography can be applied on the Web.

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Creating a Successful Web Site (

Contains sections on Deciding on Content, Organisation and Style, Spicing Up Your Site, Proofreading, and several others.

Bandwidth Conservation Society
The Bandwidth Conservation Society

The Bandwidth Conservation Society says "The goal is that this site becomes a resource for web developers with an interest in optimizing performance, but still maintaining an appropriate graphic standard. The conviction (or perhaps hallucination) that there is a balance between a pleasing page and an economical, low-bandwidth delivery of that page."

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These pages are copyright © Terry Franks June 2003.
UK    Terry Franks    England
Last major revision: 1 February 2001 at 00:26 BST
Minor revisions: 30 September 2001 at 20:20 BST

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Terry Franks
is a member of
The HTML Writers Guild