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Where We Eat
Dining rooms have actually become pretty controversial recently. We've all noticed the trend toward the great room concept, a great idea to say the least. But what if you do fancy the notion of a dinner party? Wouldn't a formal eating area be more suitable? Is a formal dining room a complete waste of space for busy families? I know of several people who have beautifully designated and furnished dining rooms and have never or rarely used them. Well shame on them I say, because there is a lot to be said for having a formal dinner party, especially if you and all your friends have small children. Invite 4 or 5 other couples, have everyone bring their specialty dish, serve it all up on and in your finest china and free pour the wine. What a great way to get away from the kids for an evening and relax. If baby-sitting proves problematic, pick one of the dinner party guests homes and hire 1 or more sitters to watch all the kids at once. A formal dining room should be more than a showplace for your best china and that dining room furniture you spent so much on. It should be a room in your house where memories are made. Many memories.