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at work.

A little less conversation, and more action please...

Number 32.


I remember when this place was covered with sand.

When I would run barefoot to my cousins house

And play hide and seek in its maze of stilts.

When I would help Pa gather chicken eggs

And pester Ma to let me have them for lunch.


I remember when the roads were paved.

When I didnt have to walk a whole kilometer to catch a bus

And I got my first scooter.

When Ma passed away

And Pa stopped dyeing his white mane black.


I remember all the piles of wood to be sold.

When houses of brick and cement sprung up where they once stood

And my dad watching it all from his wheelchair.

When I got married

And there was the sound of a newborns gurgle echoing through the rooms.


I remember crying for Pa and Ma.

When I carried Pas coffin through the grass

And my family stood aside, weeping.

When the house grew bigger

And the rumbling of army trucks carting my son off left the house quieter.


I remember my son planning his marriage.

When I cried tears of joy  

And gave them both my blessings.

When the both of them moved out

And only the both of us were left in the house.


I remember seeing my grandson for the first time.

When I sat him on my lap

And let him play with my walking stick.

When the house had one less person

And I stopped dyeing my white mane black.



I remember.

(And I dont want to forget.)





Darah Jebat luka kembali,

Tuah menderhakai,

Hang Nadim membunuh diri,

Adakah ini realiti?


Ekonomi melambung tinggi,

Yang kaya mengayakan diri,

Yang miskin merana diri.

Adakah ini realiti?


Bangunan,mencakar langit,

Kereta berderet-deret,

Namun akhlah tetap senget,

Adakah ini realiti?


Adakah ini realiti?

Adakah ini realiti?

Adakah ini realiti hidup di zaman ini?


Jikalau inilah realiti,

Biarlah Hang Nadim membunuh diri,

Biarlah darah Jebat menitik kembali,

Biarlah Tuah menderhakai,

Maka perjuangan mereka sudah tidak bererti lagi!



Mohamed Haikel Fansuri Bin Mohamed Latiff

Horizontal Divider 17



Berkabunglah wahai manusia

maka duniamu telah tiada,

sasteramu membuta

panglimamu hilang entah ke mana.


Berkabunglah wahai manusia

maka hasil kerjamu berperisa cuka

titik peluhmu bagaikan tembaga

tiada lagi nilainya di dalam zaman keemasan

teknologi berjuta


Berkabunglah  wahai manusia,

maka tanahmu hilang nilainya

diduduki makhluk asing sepanjang masa

hilanglah daulat, hilanglah harta


berkabunglah kamu wahai manusia

maka kamu telah sesat di hujung  jalan


kembalilah kamu ke pangkal jalan

wahai manusia.


Mohamed Haikel Fansuri Bin Mohamed Latiff


Horizontal Divider 15

Tanah Perkuburan


tanah perkeburan timbuslah aku

di dalam neraka jahanamu

kain sutera telahku buru

maka pencapaianku bagaikan idaman kalbu


tanah perkuburan timbuslah aku

maka kesalahanku tak dapatku tunggu

balaslah kesilapan silamku

bawalah aku ke syurgamu


tanah perkuburan timbuslah aku

maka bidadari dunia telahku lukai

timbuslah aku tanpa menuggu

malaikat maut tentu setuju

aku lelaki  berhati palsu


tanah perkuburan timbuslah aku

aku inginkan naluri kalbu

telahku buang cinta nan satu

kini hendakku temuinya di duniamu


tanah perkuburan tolonglah aku



18 Oktober 2002

Md Haikel Fansuri Bin Md Latiff

Come Hither.

your perfume


within my mind



into my world i


into my

s u r r e a l


                 k a l e i d o s c o p i c




glue together the shattered pieces of my




on the










heal my


angel wings

the horns i bear

are not of my choosing.



save me from the

       e n c r o a c h i n g

ocean of

h a t e.

  if i cant swim

and my mind gets




i will not make you stay

f o r e v e r.


but i want you to.



Selamat Tinggal


Suaramu, berderingan di dalam benakku

Wajahmu, terbayang di dalam ingatanku

Oh, mengapa kamu tiada di peganganku?


Setiap kali ku mengingatimu,

Hatiku bertambah sayu

Di manakah kamu?


Walau dengan berlian sekalipun,

Tidak akan dapatku memenangimu kembali.


Sudah lama aku menunggu

Sudah sampai masanya aku berazam baru

Selamat tinggal wahai kekasihku..