Research Grp.

Scientific Rationality

An Approach To Ghosts & Ghost Studies



Ghost Overview






Ghost Album



Sensors, Meters & Recorders

When you approach a ghost or haunting it is possible to use a number of methods to capture images and data or analyze the location in a variety of ways.  When we use a meter or any type of detector it is common to refer to the data as 'readings'.  This is not to be confused with a reading givin by a psychic medium.



  Your Senses - As a human you are equipt with a variety of internal and external methods for deducing the characteristics of a situation. Use your basic instincts and senses to first ascertain the basics of a situation.  In other words, if you feel cold then take a meter reading to confirm your initial feelings. Dont deny the body as a powerful tool that can sense and pick up many types of intangible stimuli.

What follows is a list of accessories to help to extend your own personal input devices.

Microphones - These everyday devices range from ordinary and cheap to very  selective, sensitive high end   sensors.

Condensor Microphones

Dynamic Microphones

Electret Microphones

Drawbacks:  When using a temperture probe to determine the validity of anomolous cold spots, we often run into a very mundane solution behind the seemingly paranormal problem.

Thermometers - This is your basic way of measuring and detecting variations of temperature in a room or area.

Drawbacks:  When using a temperture probe to determine the validity of anomolous cold spots, we often run into a very mundane solution behind the seemingly paranormal problem.


Meters & Detectors

EMF Detectors & Tri Field Meters - This type of meter will detect any type of electromagnetic fields or interference. These fields are often associated with ghostly phenomenon and apparitions. There are two basic types of EMF meter. The way the older meter type works is actually pretty simple. A single receiving coil is stepped up and connected to a resistive shunt. The coil picks up on magnetic fields and amplifies them, then displays the degree within a calibrated range. The second type of EMF meter is more modern and digital it uses a specially designed

*In Depth on EMF Meters




35 mm Cameras - This is one of the most popular and widely recommended tools used by the ghost hunter. When using 35mm film we are basically exposing a compressed layer of emulsified light sensitive chemicals to light. The shutter speed, film speed, ambient light, humidity, familiarity with the camera, and numerous other factors will affect the outcome of the picture.

Tape Recorders - This is a very basic peice of equiptment used to record sounds within a certain range. Considered the

Digital Cameras -

Digital Video Recorders - This

Video Cameras - A reliabe VHS/Hi8 analog type video tape recorder is a mainstay of most ghost hunters. This is a cheap format that can provide upfront images and also provide corroberating images as a monitor camera. The VHS and Hi8 analog style tapes used in the video tape recording machines work on the same principals as the basic tape recorder. Only with a video tape recorder the amount of information is much greater as there are more signal inputs.

IR Video Cameras - This is a feature added to many new cameras known as

