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J'Rel VI

Located inside Cardassian space, J'Rel VI is nothing more than a lifeless class L planet.  Thought to be uninhabited, it was later discovered by an undercover Starfleet team that this planet was being used as a concentration camp for the Dominion, leaving Starfleet prisoners here for long periods of time after being captured.  This camp had the means for physical torture interrogation, and was even visited by the Weyoun clone in 2375 to personally interrogate the undercover Starfleet team that had been inadvertantly captured.  Due to the efforts of the covert team, all prisoners in the camp escaped and were rescued by the USS Endeavor-A.  Soon after the Dominion War, the camp was destroyed.

Stellar Cartography Purposes Only:
J'rel is located in Sector 21305.   (GO TO MAP)