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Cardassia Prime

Homeworld of the Cardassian Union, the planet is also referred to as Cardassia Prime.  Cardassia is a planet poor in natural resources, but in ancient times was home to a splendid civilization whose legendary ruins are still considered some of the best in the galaxy.  This planet was used for a long time as the base of operations for the Dominion's Founder, who was coordinating and running the war effort against the Federation Alliance.  Cardassia was brutalized by the Dominion and its forces near the end of the Dominion War due to civilian uprisings against the Dominion's forces stationed there.  800 million Cardassians lost their lives in massacres across the planet.  Today, Cardassia is in a state of rebuilding.

Stellar Cartography Purposes Only:
Cardassia Prime is located in the Bajoran Sector.   (GO TO MAP)