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Dakorus II

Home to the post-warp civilization known as the Dakorans.  Dakoran society was deeply rooted in culture and spirituality until a massive civil war erupted, destroying almost every last vestige of accomplishments they had made as a people.  When their culture entered a period of "enlightenment", it was decided that was was no longer the answer to their problems.  For over a hundred years now, their society had been enjoying the fruits of a peacful coexistence.  

In 2376, the  USS Endeavor  visited this world to evaluate this planet's readiness to become part of the Federation.  It was later discovered that the planet's core was destabilizing at a rapid rate, melting down into an explosive compound known as mecathranite, causing severe seismic displacement and tremors.  The Dakorans tried to hide the fact that the planet's core was destablizing, in an effort to coerce the Federation into helping.  Needless to say, the Federation Council has placed their membership request on hold until scientific teams can be dispatched to investigate the state of the planet's core further.

Of further interest would be the moons of Dakorus, two of which are nothing but barren rock.  The third contains a highly solidified crystalline network of dilithium.  It will take further study to determine whether or not this form of dilithium can be refined.

Stellar Cartography Purposes Only:
Dakorus is located in Sector 97, on the very outskirts of Federation space.    (GO TO MAP)