The same Weekly Bible Lesson is read throughout Christian Science churches worldwide. This lesson, found in the Christian Science Quarterly, consists of readings from the King James Version of the Bible followed by explanatory texts from the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.
This lesson is not only read on Sundays, but studied each day by faithful students of Christian Science. Each hour, someone, somewhere in the world, is reading and helping others through this lesson sermon.
Mrs. Eddy chose 26 different subjects that are repeated twice a year. They are divided up as follows:
1st & 3rd Quarters |
2nd & 4th Quarters |
God |
Unreality |
Sacrament |
Are Sin, Disease, and Death Real? |
Life |
Doctrine of Atonement |
Truth |
Probation After Death |
Love |
Everlasting Punishment |
Spirit |
Adam and Fallen Man |
Soul |
Mortals an Immortals |
Mind |
Soul and Body |
Christ Jesus |
Ancient and Modern Necromancy, alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, Denounced |
Man |
God the Only Cause and Creator |
Substance |
God the Preserver of Man |
Matter |
Is the Universe, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force? |
Reality |
Christian Science |
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