E Terms
E-File: The Sony trademarked system for switcher effects memory.
One E-File contains a "snapshot" of the switcher control panel, including
all settings and crosspoint selections.
Earth Station: Antenna, amplifier, and frequency downconverter
installed for the reception of satellite signals.
EBU: European Broadcasting Union
Echo Canceller: A videoconferencing term: a device that blocks
echo reflections during a conference while maintaining apparent full duplex
audio. Echo reflections are caused when microphones are opened at both ends
of a teleconference creating an echo effect when slightly delayed audio signals
are transmitted back and forth between sites.
Echo Suppresser: A videoconferencing term: an echo control
device that blocks the echo reflections by switching off the transmission
path from the listening party to the talking party.
Editor: An electronic device for controlling and synchronizing
a variety of broadcast production components with frame accuracy. Used to
produce television programs. Also called an "editing system."
EDL: Edit Decision List. A single file stored on the editing
systems hard disk that contains information for each event used in
a video program. When re-editing is required, this information is used to
re-create events, exactly as they were initially recorded. EDL events are
comprised of data fields, such as source and record VTR inpoints, outpoints,
reel numbers, mode (V, A1, A2), transitions (Cut, Dissolve, Wipe), and peripheral
device effects data. There can be multiple EDL files on disk.
E-To-E (Electronics-to-Electronics): Monitoring the output
signal of a VTR while it is recording is an E-to-E process. The signal is
fed from the VTR directly to the monitor before it has been recorded on tape.
However, with E-to-E it is not possible to be certain that the signal is
being recorded on the tape.
Effects Pathway: A switcher feature in which video from a keyer
is routed to external devices (for example, a DME), and then returned to
the switcher for additional processing. Sonys term for the Effects
Pathway is Processed Key.
EIA: Electronics Industry Association
EIAJ: Electronics Industry Association of Japan
Electronic Cinema: Proposed service for the delivery of motion
pictures to theaters by means of electronic distribution (i.e. over satellite
or public switched network).
Electret Microphone: A low-impedance type of microphone that
operates on electrostatic principals. (See Condenser Microphone).
Elementary Stream: A generic term for one of the coded video,
coded audio or other coded bit stream
EMI (Electromagnetic Interference): Signal impairment resulting
from electromagnetic disturbances in the atmosphere. EMI is caused by any
device capable of outputting a strong magnetic field. Large electric motors
and high-voltage power lines are two common sources of EMI which can interfere
with the transmission of video signals and damage some video devices.
Emulsion: The magnetic coating on a recording tape that stores
the signal.
Encoder: An embodiment of an encoding process.
1. )The stage of signal processing within the camera where the color
difference signals from the matrix circuit are combined with the luminance
signal and sync to produce the composite video signal.
2.) An electronic device that converts a component video signal to a broadcast
standard composite format. In computers, an encoder serves to convert computer
RGB component video to NTSC, PAL, or SECAM composite video. The device may
be a board that is installed in the computer such as the TrueVisionª
Nuvistaª card; or a separate outboard box such as the TrueVisionª
Vid I/O Boxª. (See Scan Converter).
Encoding Process: A process that reads a stream of input pictures
or audio samples and produces a valid coded bitstream.
Encryption :The rearrangement of the bit stream of a previously
digitally encoded signal in a systematic fashion to make unrecognizable the
information until restored upon receipt of the necessary authorization key.
This technique is used for securing information transmitted over a communication
channel with the intent of excluding all other than authorized receivers
from interpreting the message. Can be used for voice, video, and other
communications signals.
Entropy Coding: Variable length lossless coding of the compressed
digital representation of a signal to further reduce redundancy.
Erase Head: The magnetic head on a video or audio recorder
that re-arranges the tapes particles in a random fashion, thereby erasing
the tape, prior to recording new information.
Error Concealment: A secondary process in digital video that
conceals errors if error correction is not possible or effective.
Error Correction: The process of identifying and correcting
digital errors. Because digital information is either a one or a zero, once
error identification takes place, the corrupt bit can bemodified.
ERS: Emergency Response System. 24 Hour/7 Day telephone technical
assistance. Menu driven system pages an engineer by product category. (408)
ESCSC: Electronic Still Camera Standardization Committee. A
committee of more than 40 corporations set up in the late 1970s to create
standards for the present Mavica¨ still video format.