My Spirit Page

As you all can see this is My Spirit Page, hopefully the Spirits will shine upon Me and grant Me good blessings.  May the Spirits of the ÐRAGON'S and Deers guide Me in many great directions.  For each and everyone of you that visit this page, I wish for you to take a Spirit stick for guiding many of you, in the right directions and may it bring you the good things it has brought to Me.  Also if you should happen to click on it you will find a wonderful place, it will take you too. 

Spirit Stick

On April 25,1998, I was Awarded the Friendship Award from Scary Fairy and I am happy to display this award on My Spirit Page.  Thanks Scary Fairy~s~

I won the Tsali Braves Championship on April 19, 1998, and wish to thank all my supporters cause if it wasn't for them I couldn't display this Award, again thanks Everyone I appreciate all the Support. 

The Braves Award

I won the Darksbane Dragons Championship in the Mountains on January 25, 1998, and here is the Award I won from it~s~.  Thanks to all my supporters. 

Darkbane Dragons Award

I won the Spirit Award on 1/22/98. 

Thank You DSpirit for the award!!~S~ And a special thank you to, Fairy Roses, Scary Fairy, & Fairy Enchantra for nominating me for this Award.  What an honor it is to be graced with this award.~BS~

This background was supplied by DPatrol Joanie and I wish to thank her for it. 

I am truly honored to display this Award from
DFairy for helping My
team Shout it Out
We won the loudest Cheers
this week GO Darksbane
Dragon's and THANKS DFairy~smile~

I am honored to have received these two Awards from Fairy Enchantra along with her wonderful awards came this saying from her.  "with love and Spirit hugs from Fairy Enchantra" My thanks to her for her lovely awards Fairy Enchantra thanks

I was informed today that My Site has been entered for the week of the 29th Starting next week.  Here is a couple of support signs.  Feel free to take them with you as you go. 

This Site also Supports these other Sites feel free to vote for them also thank you

I have more to add if you don't see your name here and would it to be feel to ask Me.  I will add you Thanks again. 

Also My Spirit Page has joined the SiteFights Spirit Webring and I am truly proud to display this.  If you are in the SiteFights then join up ~smile~. 

I went into My Email and found this lovely Golden Wand award from SpiritFairyAngel.  It brought Me such joy to display this, I wish to thank her also THANKS Spirit Fairy Angel. 
