Live Bait

I know a lot of bass fishermen frown on the use of live bait but it can be an extremely efficient way to put fish in the boat.

Some people believe that all you have to do is put a gob of worms on a hook and you catch fish instantly.

Using live bait is almost an art form by itself and deserves to be treated as such. These tips are not difficult to use.

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  • Use the freshest, liveliest bait you can find. Occasionally, you can use dead bait and get away with it, but as a rule fish prefer lively bait.
  • Always match your bait to the species you are fishing for. You wouldn't use insect larvae for muskie and you wouldn't use frogs for bluegills.
  • When using live bait match the terminal tackle to the bait, not the fish you are after. Try to use the smallest hook you can get away with. If the hook is too heavy, the bait won't look natural.
  • Make sure your hooks are sharp. I know its been mentioned before, but you wouldn't believe the number of fisherman that fail to sharpen their hooks.
  • If at all possible, take several types of bait with you. Some days they want minnows, some days it will be worms or even crawfish. It pays to have a good selection on hand.
  • Keep your bait cool. Minnows will die off very quickly in warm water and worms get soft and a little mushy if left in the sun. By adding ice to the bait bucket you can bring the temperature down and keep the bait friskier.
  • Use an aerator for your minnows. It allows the water to exchange carbon dioxide for oxygen more efficiently and it also helps to keep the water temperature down a bit.
  • The best way to present your bait to fish is with a Lindy Rig. Basically a Lindy rig consists of  small hook (to match the bait) on a leader connected to the main line by a snap, with a walking sinker above the snap. This rig will keep your bait on or near the bottom where the fish are.
  • Hook your bait lightly through the nose. This will keep them livelier than any other method and will also make them look more natural to the fish. You will still catch fish if they look unnatural but the big fish didn't get big by being stupid and the more natural the bait looks the more appealing it appears to the fish.