What's New

We've added a few things with more to come. On the Calendar page there is a local weather forecast with a link to the Weather Channel page. Also, the moon phases are listed month by month so you can look ahead. The Viewpoint page will be used to express different opinions on different issues. Colin Onions has done an article on Tunnel Vision. There is a page on how to prepare to take kids fishing. Leo and Gary have done a couple of articles on tube jigs and plastic worms. Colin has also done something called "The System".


This page will be used to express personal opinions on different subjects. Colin Onions has done a nice article about being stuck in a rut. He calls it Tunnel Vision

Another rough day at the office. Gary, Leo and myself spent the day out on the water.

The System

Colin Onions, with the help of Bill Gitlin and Greg Horoky, has developed a new system for catching smallies.

There is also a page on the basic Lindy Rig and Texas Rigged plastic worms

The moon phases for all of 1999 month by month for the year are linked on the Fishing Calendar page.

Don't forget The Kids

A lot of us don't spend enough time on the water with the kids. Gary has put together an article on preparing to take the kids out with you. I'm sure you can find some tips to make it a more enjoyable trip.

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