Tackle Tips

From here you will be able to find tips and pointers to help you catch fish. Remember that these are not hard and fast rules, but rather hints as to how to use these various baits. Try to use them in different situations and don't be afraid to experiment. Sometimes the wackiest ideas will produce the most fish.

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Spinnerbaits are probably the most versatile lure in your  tackle box.

Crankbaits can be used in many situations where you would use spinnerbaits.

Plastic baits cover a wide range of lures and situations.  Tube jigs, worms, grubs, and others will be updated as we get them.

Colin Onions has come up with something he calls "The System" using tube jigs in deep water.

I know that to the purists, live bait doesn't count, but it is an extremely deadly method to put fish in the boat.
