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I was browsing around today and found a wonderful site called Linda Dillon's Wedding Couture. She has the most beautiful wedding dresses,gowns and clothing for Barbie size dolls. You need to check out her site to see her beautiful creations. Thanks to Dee Dee at Mad about that Barbie doll, we can put to rest the rumor that TRU will have the brunette version of the Nascar Barbie. Dee Dee reports that there will be another Nascar Barbie coming out but that it will be the second in a Pro sports series. Oh well folks that's why we call them rumors! You can see a list of many more dolls that Mattel has planned for 1999 at Dee Dee's site. Thanks for the update Dee Dee!
I'm baaack! As many of you have noticed I haven't updated my site in the last two weeks. Sorry guys but I've been having a few problems with MS lately but I'm doing much better now. A big heartfelt thanks to all of you who sent get well wishes! You guys are terrific! Service Merchandise has a new exclusive coming out called Definately Diamonds. You can see a picture of her at Ella's site. She reminds me a little of the 1998 Happy Holiday Barbie® and for the $99 price tag I hope those are real diamonds! Russ McCall Auctioneers, Inc. is having an auction of over 1000 Barbies® on Oct. 17 & 18 at 10 am each morning. To participate you can call for a free illustrated brochure by calling 712-423-1901 or by sending $5 for the complete Barbie® list to PO Box 205, Onawa, Iowa 51040. If you happen to get the list from them please give me a write and share with us what dolls they have up for bid! On September 11th HSN is having the world premier of Van Gogh's Sunflower. Ruth Handler will be on hand that day also. Check local listings for times in your area. Nicole in New Jersey sends us this information,"Later this fall a new procelain series called Victorian High Tea Barbies® will be released. Each doll will hold a miniature hand-painted tea cup and saucer. They will each be dressed in a victorian era cosutme which will reflect a specific type of tea such as peppermint, chamomile etc." Thanks for the info Nicole! I know many of us are anxious to see what they'll look like. It has been rumored that Toys R Us will be coming out with an exclusive Nascar Barbie®. Supposedly this one will be the brunette version we all have seen on the prototype. Guess we will just have to wait and see if this one is true of not. Speaking of Toys R Us the store here in Denver has the envelope up for the new Harley II but the call tags are not in them yet. My friend who works there says he thinks they will be available for sale before the Labor Day weekend. Just in time for my Birthday! (I'm hinting to my family) Sam's club has a new exclusive out called Bronze Sensation. I haven't been able to make it out to see her yet but my dad saw her this week. He says,"she's sparkly"...he's a big help. All the new Barbie® Collectible catalogs are out now if you haven't already received yours you can still order them by calling the following numbers. FAO Schwarz 1-800-426-TOYS, JC Penny's 1-800-248-6593 or 1-80-222-6161, Sears 1-800-892-1068, Spiegel's 1-800-852-1069. If you like Jewelry and you love Barbie® you might just want to check out this site Charm Doll Designs. They have the cutest hand painted Barbie® replica earrings, necklaces and pins. Check it out! There is a really good article at White's Guide to Collectibles on-line this month. It offers good advice on buying and selling Barbie® . Gotta Have It Collectibles is now taking pre-orders for some of the new dolls just announced at the Barbie® convention. The first in the Nursery Rhyme Series "Mary had a little lamb" will be $28. The 3rd in the Fashions of the 20th Century a Gene Harlowe type Barbie® will sell for $47, American Classic Series Coca-Cola Car Hop $47 and the 2nd edition Peruvian DOTW will be $19.50. Check out the Good-Buy DolliesLinks page this weekend as I will be adding new links for you to visit! That's all for now folks have a great weekend!!!
![]() JC Penny's has a new exclusive called Evening Enchantment. She's definitely on my Christmas list!You can request a JCPenny Barbie catalog by calling 800-248-6593. Haven't seen the Nascar Barbie® in stores yet? Well here's a picture of her in her box. That'll have to do for some of us for a while. But she is arriving at Target, Walmart, & others everyday so keep looking! Beverly in Ohio sent in a picture of Spring In Tokyo. Thanks to Bev we now we have an idea of what she looks like. Gina saw Barbie® & Kelly® in the Ballet Recital Giftset today for the first time Arizona. They still haven't shown up in my area(sigh).
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Sears has a new exclusive Barbie® called Pink Reflections she's available through their catalog and will also be available in stores soon. If you need a catalog you can call Sears at 800-892-1068. She will retail for $24.99. Looks like the Exclusive Avon Mulan Doll Satin Shimmer is now available through your Avon Representative. The Mulan Doll was introduced in Campaign 19 (selling began 8/4 and ends 8/25). However, the doll can be back ordered up to two campaigns (1month) later. The price is $21.99. You will need to order through an Avon Representative. Tel: 800-FOR-AVON. Any Avon Reps Online wanting to make a good deal to our customers? Let me know and we will post your information ASAP. Thanks to Lauryn in TX for sending me this picture!
![]() The 5th Disney Fun Barbie® is available now exclusively at Disney Stores. She sells for around $25. Still waiting to see the Barbie on Safari, but we'll try to get a picture soon.
40th Anniversary Barbies®! It seems Robert Best has designed a Barbie® called Crystal Jublilee to celebrate Barbies® 40th Birthday. The doll is set to be released in February 1999. She is reported to be in a silver & white straight designer gown with a silver cape that cascades all the way to her feet. Did anyone see a picture, or even a sketch of her while at the convention? Let us know! Mattel will also release a 40th Anniversary Barbie® that Mattel® reps. tout as a Barbie® with attitude because she will be in a sassy pose with hand on hip. She will be in an updated version of the original Black & white bathing suit and will sport an updated ponytale as well. Supposedly, Mattel® has manufactured a new vinyl for her that virtually eliminates Barbie's® leg seams. (at leaset she never had cellulite.) Anyway, this new vinyl is said to feel more like a porcelain than a plastic. Barbie® will also have a new face at 40 which is more than most of us can hope for. She always has been a lucky gal! And speaking of lucky, it looks like the people of Tulsa OK, will have the privilage of hosting Barbie's® National Convention in the year 2000. Tulsa is pretty much in the smack dab dead center of the US which should make the commute much easier for most.
If you haven't already seen it ![]() According to Mattel the next doll in the Daytime Drama Collection® will be another Erica Kane. She will be released sometime in 1999. See what the real Nascar Driver's had to say about Nascar Barbie® on August 3, 1998. If have purchased the last three Couture Collection Barbies® then you probably know that you're eligible receive the Barbie® Tiaras to go with them absolutely free from Mattel. If you'd like to see what they look like click here There's a great new vintage Barbie® site online that you need to check out. It's Caroline's Doll Habit. It looks great so stop in to see it soon! Check out some of her specials on our Hot Deals Page. DOLL TIP:Do you have a problem with Green Ears? According to a doll expert who appeared on F/X's Collectors Show, it can be treated with Clearasil applied repeatedly. Anyone ever try that? Let us know how that works. For the Love Of Dolls is going out of the Barbie® doll business and focusing on other dolls. They still have a few dolls available for sale. Write them for more information. NEW IN STORES-Walmart has a few new special editions out now. Look for Puzzle Craze Barbie® and friends also Portrait in Blue Barbie® & Winter Ride To mark MGM's 75th Anniversary Mattel® will release the 1st MGM Golden Hollywood Barbie® in the spring of 1999. I can't wait to see this one!
Good news from Mano a Mano! They have just become an authorized Mattel® dealer and are now taking pre-orders. Check out the Good-Buy Hot Deals page to see their great prices.
It appears that TRU has removed the Harley II Barbie® from the on-line order form. Sorry folks! But watch for it soon. I have information that they are starting to arrive in stores. They just aren't displayed yet. We will keep you posted! I have it from a good source (a spy inside TRU)that they received their first small shipment of the Harley II. They're keeping it under wraps until they receive the bulk of their shipment. So sorry still no date for release in store yet but you can bet it will be soon!
The NEW Limited Edition Winter Ride Barbie® with Horse is now available at FAO Schwarz for $54. Also available at Walnart now for $49. Becci, One of our new subscribers, had this information to report. JCPenneys is having a 50% off sale on some of their barbies® and BMR fashion sets. Chinese Empress $25, Moonlight Waltz $50, Jet Set, Court Date etc $10, 97 Arizona Jeans around $10. These are just some of the ones that I remember each store has their own dolls on sale. One of the workers at my local KayBee said that they will be having a promo where if you buy $100 worth of barbies® and accessories you will receive the Sugar Plum Fairy and the new Snow White Princess doll. She said this would start sometime in August.(Thanks for the information Becci! Keep it coming)