Harpist Angel Barbie®
Good-Buy Dollies
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 Best of the Planet Awards 1998
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Good-Buy Dollies
Let "Good-Buy Dollies" be your one-stop information source for the number one selling fashion doll in the world!
Good-Buy Dollies will keep you up to date on all sorts of doll information, news, gossip, up-coming shows, tips on buying, selling, & collecting Barbie®.
Best of all we do the bargain hunting for you so that you know where to find the lowest prices and sales from dealers all over the world each month and I'd love to share them with you!! It's brand new and will contain an ever expanding list of reputable doll dealers both on the net and off.
Remember we're here to help you find a GOOD BUY ON DOLLIES!!!
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If you have some interesting news on Babs, pictures, sale information, new site info etc. This is the place to leave it so I can get it out to all the Babs fans. I would love for you to comment on this site, leave questions, things you'd like to see, information you're looking for. Anything at all pertaining to Barbie® or other fashion dolls. I'd love to hear from you!
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Barbie® is a registered trademark of Mattel, Inc. Mattel does not sponsor or endorse this web site.