Fasting and Cleansing


Preparing for a Fast

During the Fast

The Hawaiian Flush

Breaking the Fast

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Preparing for a Fast


Fasting... is one of the most effective ways to bring balance into one's life. It:


Before beginning a fast:

Please familiarize yourself with this material thoroughly...

If you have any health problems, see a doctor or a naturopath first!

Psyche yourself up with the positive benefits of the fast.

Avoid tobacco, alcohol, caffeine and non-perscription drugs.

Set the dates of the fast, keeping in mind the following:


During the Fast


Drink as much water and filtered fruit juice as you like (do not drink any fruit drinks with sugar).

Do not use tobacco, alcohol, caffeine or non-perscription drugs.

It is very important that the bowels are cleansed each day of a fast! Enemas and colonics can be used, but the Hawaiian Flush is more effective and much more comfortable and natural...

Bathe, brush your teeth (and tongue) and dry brush the skin more often.


The Hawaiian Flush (Hi-F):


Take one liter of water, add two teaspoons of salt to the water and shake thoroughly. Wait five minutes for the salt to dissolve completely.

After you have been fasting 12 hours or more, you can drink the Hi-F. But you must drink the whole liter within a 5 minute period of time. Usually you can feel the water descending through the small and large intestines with the pressure gradually increasing in your rectum. It takes approximately one hour before the flush begins to come out. Sometimes it takes a couple of trips to the toilet before it is all released. (Do not eat or drink anything until the flush comes out.)

I recommend one Hi-F each day of the fast. It can be taken anytime of the day, but be prepared to go to the toilet for a two hour period after drinking it.


Breaking a Fast:


This is the most important part of the process...

And I must advise extreme caution here! People have ended up in the hospital and some have even died by breaking a fast too quickly or by eating the wrong foods. It is very important to chew your food thoroughly, and to allow 5-6 hours between meals.

The first "meal" should be organic vegetable soup BROTH (nothing solid!) plus a little yogurt with LIVE acidophilius cultures! (If 'live' yogurt is hard to find, you can buy capsules of acidophilus culture from a good health store. These cultures contain beneficial bacteria necessary for proper digestion. It is important to replace them after a fast!)

The second meal (5 or 6 hours later) should be the same as the first but you can eat halfa cup of the vegetables. Do not overeat!

Do not eat any grains or legumes until the following day, and do not eat anything with meat, white flour or white sugar for at least three days!

From now on, eat organic foods when possible. Avoid coffee, tea, chocolate, tobacco and cola drinks. Also avoid direct contact with strong chemicals, including some household cleaners, art supplies and cosmetics (like hair removers, dyes and permanents).

And finally, take a mental inventory of your possessions... and consider giving away anything that you haven't used in 2 years. We are living in a time of rapid transformation which requires either more power or a lighter load. These suggestions can help you accomplish both!

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