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Daniel and The Peace Pole (in Arabic, Hebrew, English and Russian)

    My name is Daniel Mark...

When the Gulf War started, I decided to move to the Middle East for spiritual reasons. I actually immigrated to Israel four years ago, but my vision to create a Healthful & Agricultural Community Center began 20 years ago in Hawaii, after a near-death experience...

I grew up in a very loving home in the Great Lakes region of America, and received a B.Ed. from the University of Hawaii, where I also worked with dolphins and taught high school students Oceanography at Sea. Then I spent one year in Nazareth teaching English and Health classes.

When I returned to the USA, I got my M.A. in Educational Media. I lived in Guam before moving to Southern California, where I worked on my Ph.D in Health Education. During this time, I also accumulated over 1000 hours in re-birthing inside a flotation tank and produced a radio show called "Compassion". I have written "A Contemporary Approach to the Torah," "Time Change" and am currently working on a book called "In ONE Spirit: How Judaism, Christianity, and Islam Fit Together."

Since I moved to Israel, I have been speaking with a number of people, including Knessett members and governmental officials abroad. We are trying to develop a better understanding and commitment to wholistic peace: one that is international, national and individual in nature.

As an immigrant to the Middle East, I realize that I do not always speak the same 'language' as other people, even when we speak the same languages. So please accept my apologises if some of my words are not understood at first, but please try to bear with me. This historic and monumental venture should not depend on my personal abilities; it depends upon our abilities to cooperate!

I hope this website will provide valuable information and encourage you to get more involved with Har Eitan Makom Shalom.

May we all be blessed with peace, health and happiness!

Sincerely, Daniel Mark


For more information, feel free to contact

    in Russian:    Ena Cohen         (972-2) 643-9033

    in Hebrew:    Hagit Raanan     (972-3) 535-3496       or Raanan Gidron   (972-2) 643-1204

    in English:      Daniel Mark      (972-2) 570-2248

    in Arabic:       Omar?




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