Save the Environment and World Peace...
by Saving Har Eitan

An effort to save the Mt. of Strength and to restore a natural understanding of Time and Peace.


Har Eitan has a very special history! Plus, it is one of Jerusalem's last remaining undeveloped mountain tops. Unfortunately it is slowly being destroyed, by Israeli military leaders who wish to construct Israel's largest war museum (there are 29 already).

The plan for this particular museum is extravagantly large and is expected to cost 200 million US dollars. The already overly taxed people in this region are expected to pay for half of this amount whether they want to or not. Unfortunately the military-minded government of Israel supports these efforts. But a heavily burdened Israeli budget is threatening to cancel the project. To further complicate the situation, the Jerusalem municipality, influenced by wealthy investors, are waiting on the sidelines so they can build a large neighborhood on the mountain, if the war museum fails. The planners of the Har Eitan war museum have used this information to paralyze the environmentalists and the local residents with the fact that a large neighborhood will do even more damage to the area than their museum.

Who wants to see another crowded neighborhood replace the natural beauty of an undeveloped mountain? Therefore I was also thankful that the Ministry of Defense had been protecting the mountain... but when their bulldozers began destroying the mountain, I realized that the time had come to secure this piece of land.

The destruction which took place in the summer of '98 was supposed to be in honor of Israel's Jubilee Celebration, but it was really a way to raise funds for the war museum AND to redirect funds for its ground-breaking ceremony.

The idea of building a war museum on Har Eitan made many people question the controversial argument over housing on Har Homa... If the Mt. of Strength is going to be used for another large war museum, how can the Israeli government state that we are desperate for land and housing?

Since it is our responsibility to question abuses of political power, I brought this issue to the Israeli Supreme Court, which is now deliberating if the redirected funds or any other cut corners were done illegally.

In the meantime, the ground-breaking ceremony was officially cancelled. The "official" reasons: insufficient funds, inadequate road conditions, summer heat and poor security arrangements for the Prime Minister, all of which could have been foreseen with proper planning. Even after the work was officially called off, the bulldozers CONTINUED because of inefficiencies within the bureacracy!?

Ironically the area being destroyed by the Ministry of Defense has historic military significance! It played an important role in military manuevers from Biblical days through the Crusades up until the Gulf War. Plus it has spiritual/archaeological value.

More importantly, the future importance of the mountain is identified in many places in the Bible. I believe that these particular chapters in the Bible are important keys to unlocking a just and lasting peace between human beings AND nature. Through God's grace and direction, we can re - create the Garden of Eden... not just in the Holy Land, but throughout this whole planet!

Until recently, few people have heard of our "win-win" proposal for Har Eitan:

A working model based on natural harmony can be built on Har Eitan so that everyone interested can experience wholistic peace. The knowledge that we bring together can be shared and transplanted elsewhere around the world. Since Jerusalem is the focus of so many people's attention, this place has the greatest potential to be a light unto the world. Imagine the impact of a place of war in Jerusalem being transformed into a "Place of Peace."

Even though only ten (of 30) buildings remain from the abandoned army base and over 10% of the mountain has been depleted of its soil and trees, there is still the possibility to utilize Har Eitan's full potential for peace and well-being...

Har Eitan Makom Shalom has already experienced a wolf-hybrid laying down with a lamb twice (see homepage), but more importantly we are the stone which the builders of war and political peace have rejected. Through a cooperative effort, we can become the cornerstone described in Psalm 118.

Even more importantly Har Eitan is the rock, that grows into a mountain, described in Daniel 2. This mountain has the potential to clarify our confusion and our mixed up histories and fill the whole world with the peace ordained from above. Since man and nature are out of sync, we need to understand the Book of Daniel in the Bible and make a correction in our reckoning of time, so that we can be in harmony with all of creation, and with the 10 commandments.

We need focus, and Jerusalem with the help of Har Eitan is the ideal place to bring this focus together.

With your physical, mental and spiritual support, I am certain we can save the mountain and the peace process before the current Israeli government makes any irreversible damages.

Despite the large numbers of intelligent and feeling people in this country, money often speaks louder than reason. Therefore we want to raise enough money to secure this mountain and to protect it from further destruction.

Since so many people want to see peace established here, a few pennies from all the interested parties will be enough to renovate the old army base and to transform regional and global tensions into more constructive projects.

A board of directors will oversee this project. The board will be guided by our "Constitution for Peace" and by the thoughtful prayers and suggestions of all interested members in our Non-Profit Organization, which is open to everyone. The directors also ensure that all funds will be properly accounted for. Furthermore all our records and activities are open to the public.

Meanwhile, government officials have admitted that many species of plants and animals are in danger of extinction because of over-development. Sadly, the places with the thickest trees and the greatest biological richness are the most sought after ones to do construction on. Ironically, little of the natural beauty remains after the construction begins. In a land with a lot of desert space (and increasing smog problems), the future of the land and people of Israel is really jeopardized by cutting down trees!

I pray that everyone on this planet will understand how destructive materialistic greed has been. I also pray that everyone will do something to alleviate this problem. While governments are telling the world that peace and security are being handled sensitively, large corporations are permitted to deplete the world of limited resources. What a cruel joke!

And last month, I got a notice that the Israeli army may take possession of my four wheel drive truck because of the likelihood of war. As I get deeper involved in environmental peace work, I become more and more aware, that just as the current Israeli government acted without proper planning on Har Eitan, they are also jumping into hot water regarding peace, transportation, housing and a number of other sensitive environmental issues!

We know that similar problems exist in other places around the world. But because Israel is small, young, and relatively unaffected by powerful lobbying groups, it is still possible to make the necessary changes here. Together we could have an enormously positive impact on the whole planet! I believe that most, if not all, governments really want to do what is right, but the lack of clear direction has allowed them to become distracted and at times corrupted. Again we need focus! And at the same time, we need to remember that the governments in the western world are supposed to represent us. Therefore we have a responsibility to act up and to speak out!

I urge you, as concerned citizens of the Earth, to do all you can to stop the artificial reckoning of time, the destruction of our natural resources, and man's obsession with war.

Please, do us all a favor... and do what you can to help save Har Eitan (please read "Getting Involved").

May we all be blessed with peace, health and happiness!


Daniel Mark

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