Your help is Important!
and greatly appreciated! Here's what you can do ...


  1. Become a member   (click here for membership information)


  2. Share this information with people you think would be interested.


  3. Be aware of what is happening on Har Eitan

  5. Since the Israeli Government is re-considering what to do with Har Eitan, if we apply sufficient encouragement now, we can save the mountain forever...

    1. So tell the Israeli Prime Minister (and/or anyone else that can help) what you think.

      You can send an E-mail message to:
      or write a letter to:
      PM Binyamin Netanyahu
      c/o the Knesset,
      Jerusalem, Israel.

      Here is a sample letter...
      Feel free to send it as it is; or to edit it, if you wish to create a more personal statement.

      Dear Mr. Prime Minister,

      It is unfortunate that your government has allowed the destruction of the environment and historical sites on Har Eitan. It is unacceptable for you to passover the idea of a 'Place of Peace', along with its spiritual values, to create a museum for war.

      The preoccupation with war must stop! Our lives can be transformed for the better when enough of us open our eyes. I urge you to protect this mountain by supporting Har Eitan Makom Shalom and to abandon your policies supporting any other form of construction on Har Eitan. Help to set a positive example while you still can and there is still a place to save.

      This project would benefit Israelis, encourage tourism, reduce unemployment, provide necessary accommodation space in the year 2000, and much much more. Please respond...


      (name & address)

    2. Send a copy of your letter to a local radio station, and ask it to respond as well.


  6. You can also send "pennies for peace" to:

    Har Eitan, Makom Shalom
    Box 40044
    Mevaseret Tsion
    90805 Jerusalem


  7. Pray for  (or meditate on)   wholistic peace in Jerusalem...


  8. And you can get more involved with us, by:
    sharing your ideas
      about improving this website
      about physical, mental and social health issues
      about the "Constitution for Peace"
    helping us organize:

    Together, we can save the environment and create peace throughout the world!


Click here to send an email message to us at

    For a more personal connection, free free to contact:

    in English:    Daniel Mark   (972-2) 570-2248

    in Arabic:    Mukhsane   (972-2) 628-4891

    in Hebrew:    Hagit Raanan   (972-3) 535-3496

    in Russian:    Ena Cohen   (972-2) 643-9033


And for a really special experience see the property yourself

    Directions to Har Eitan:

    By Car:
    From the Tel Aviv - Jerusalem Highway,
    take the Harel Exit and drive towards Ein Kerem Hadassah.
    At the roundabout, go straight and park in the first parking lot. (It is large and free.)
    Walk up the hill (about 50 meters) into the abandoned army base.

    By Bus:
    Take bus number 183 from the Central Bus Station in Jerusalem to 'Sataf'.
    Then walk up the hill (about 300 meters) into the abandoned army base.

By the way, sunrises and sunsets from the summit are magnificient, and the journey (from the roundabout at the entrance to SATAF) is a beautiful two hour hike (roundtrip)...

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