Membership Information


Regular membership is open to anyone regardless of nationality, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, education, physical abilities or social status. By requesting membership, each prospective member is officially declaring their basic agreement with the goals and procedures defined by-laws found in our Constitution. (click here to see the whole Constitution)

Membership will begin when the secretary or the treasurer receives a signed membership application form (or signed letter requesting membership) and the appropriate registration fee.

The membership form (or letter) must include the name, address and legal ID number of the prospective member. (All correspondences can be sent to: HEMS, Box 40044, Mevaseret Tsion, 90805 Israel)

Each member will receive an official membership acceptance letter from the secretary stating the dates that the membership began and when it legally expires. Each new member will also receive our deep and sincere appreciation!

Lifetime membership is granted to select members so that they do not have to pay an annual fee. A lifetime member will have all the rights and priviledges of a regular member. To become a lifetime member, one needs to be approved by the steering committee. Each director who serves a full three year term is automatically granted lifetime membership. Plus any member who contributes over 1000 US dollars or completes four years of study at HEMS is eligible for lifetime membership.

All members have the right to:

Membership is automatically cancelled if the annual fee is not received before the expiration date found on the membership letter. It can also be cancelled by a unanimous decision of the steering committee if a member is convicted of a felony or publicly makes a statement in conflict with our basic mission statement.

Membership renewal is automatic upon the receipt of the annual fee.

The membership fee will be set each year by the steering committee, but it will not exceed 20 US dollars a year. This fee can be paid in cash, check or money order in US dollars or the equivalent in Israeli shekels.

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