"Negative Thought Stopping"


Many books have been written about the power of positive thinking. And many of the world's major religions are based on the idea of praise... and thanksgiving.

Fortunately, a very simple and successful technique has been developed...

Try to listen to yourself, before AND after you speak, and you will begin to hear and see amazing results!

Whenever you hear yourself saying, "no, not, never, sick, bad, ugly..." or any curse words, you can train yourself to be more positive, happy and healthy by saying "Wait!" plus two or more statements based on honest praise.

For example:

Wait. I like ...
I appreciate ...
I love ...

The closer your positive statements relate to your negative ones the better.

For example:

If you say, "I think I am going to be sick."
You can say, "Wait. I appreciate good health."
And, "I like it when I am strong."

As you practise this technique, it becomes easier and easier, until you are doing it naturally. Everyone, most notably yourself, will notice the change for the better and will benefit from these changes.

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