Time Changes

Fortunately a good understanding of time is recorded in the Bible which says:

The Bible aslo encourages us to consider the future through prophetic dreams and visions, which provide interesting clues, warnings and reminders to us today...

Hundreds of years before the Roman Empire began, the Prophet Daniel wrote in Babylon: to beware of the 4th kingdom upon the earth (1-Babylon, 2-Persia, 3-Greece, 4-Rome) for its kings will speak against the Most High by changing: Time and the Law of God

(see Daniel 2 & 7)

According to Daniel's interpretation of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar's dream, Babylon was the golden kingdom, which was followed by Persia, Greece and Rome. Rome was the 4th kingdom and it was very strong and cruel. Its influence was so powerful that it crushed and subdued most of the world in a way that subtly undermines our relationship to nature TODAY!

  1. About 2000 years ago, the Roman King, Julius, created an artificial calendar. The first "Julian" year had 445 days to get back in sync with the sun, then each year afterward had 365 or 366 days. The year began on January 1, and the days started and ended at "noon". Not only did this king change the calendar in a way that months got out of sync with the moon, but he also claimed to be a god. A short time later the Romans destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple that held the 10 Commandments. And so the Romans crippled the only Monotheistic faith at the time and virtually stopped Jewish meditation, sacrifice and pilgrimage.

  2. About 1700 years ago, the Roman King, Constantine, marched his army through water and declared them all 'Christians' a new hybrid religion combining elements of Sun-worship, pagan ritual and Judaism. At that time, the 4th commandment was altered so that the 7th day Sabbath was changed to Sun-day, the 1st day of the week. Ironically the Romans said to forget (or ignore) the Commandment relating to time, which the Bible and the Koran say to REMEMBER throughout all generations.

  3. About 410 years ago, the Roman Catholic Pope Gregory XIII modified the 'Julian' calendar by adding 11 days to it. Plus he decreed that one day should be added every 400 years. Gregory also decreed that the days would begin and end at 'mid'-night. This new calendar was not accepted by the Germans for over 100 years, by the UK for over 150 years, and by China, Russia and the Eastern Orthodox church/states for over 300 years. But now, it is the conventional calendar of the 'civilized' world. Unfortunately it is still out of sync with the moon and its orientation to business has created disharmony between cities and the natural environment!

  4. Furthermore many names of the days, months and planets are named after Roman, Greek and other gods. Since words are spoken with breath (the same word for 'spirit' in Hebrew) and breath is what gives us life; words have a strong influence on our lives. Can saying a name be a subtle form of worshipping other gods? If so, maybe we should think twice before saying:

      "march" which is named after the Roman god of war
      "july" and "august" which are named after Roman Caesars
      "thursday" which is named after the Scandinavian god of lightning
      "sunday" and "monday" which are named after the sun and moon gods

  5. For over 800 years, the 'holy' Roman Empire and their Germanic kings (crowned by the Roman Catholic popes) were responsible for intimidating, torturing and killing millions of people for being heretics. Many of the victims, which were labeled as 'pagans' or 'infidels', were simply trying to follow the principles of natural living described in the Bible. The Roman Empire also confiscated large amounts of land and wealth from their victims.

  6. About 130 years after the 'holy' Roman Empire collapsed, the remnants grew into Nazi Germany which systematically began executing 6,000,000 Jews, as well as millions of 'gypsies', 'homosexuals' and other people the Roman Catholic church found 'undesirable'.

    Today there is growing concern among spirit-filled Muslems, Christians and Jews regarding Rome's influence on the world. Fortunately some 'radical' reformers spoke out against these oppressive influences in order to protect our lives and our liberty...

    About 1400 years ago, Mohammed successfully convinced pagan Arabs to worship ONE God. He tried to halt the imbalanced growth of the Roman solar calendar by emphasizing the lunar calendar. About 540 years ago, Muhammed II captured Constantinople and severely weakened the eastern half of the Roman Empire.

    About 470 years ago, the conscientious Catholic priest and professor, Martin Luther, helped to begin the Reformation by exposing corruption and other inconsistencies in the Roman Catholic church. He wanted to make 96 corrections in the prevailing Christian teaching; but for political reasons, he left out the importance of the 7th day Sabbath. But the historic 95 theses successfully undermined the powerful monopoly of the Roman Catholic church. This paved the way for religious freedom in Europe, America and the rest of the world! But the reformation also began a series of destructive religious wars between Protestants and Catholics, which have needlessly divided people around the globe.

    Unfortunately the cruel manipulation of time has continued in other ways...

    Time zones were set up, wrongfully assuming that Greenwich England was the focal point of the world. Not only did this create the need to make an arbitrary "International Dateline" which zigzags around 180 degrees longitude, but it also created more than 30 different time zones.

    And if that wasn't bad enough Daylight Savings Time began... At first the idea of saving time was just a joke suggested by Benjamin Franklin. But during WWI and WWII, the idea of maximizing daylight hours was put into practise as 'war time.' For the last 30 years this practise has been used in many countries on a regular basis. Unfortunately this forces our biological rhythms out of sync twice each year! To complicate matters, dates to begin and end DST are inconsistent worldwide, making international time keeping very difficult and confusing.


If, we really want peace in the world, we must be aware and respect the laws of nature and of morality. We must question and remove the subtle, but oppressive, Roman ideologies that have been incorporated into western politics, religion, business and the reckoning of time! We must also be aware of how these ideas affect our thoughts as well as our cultures.

We must therefore examine the connections between ancient Rome, Christian Rome, the Crusades, the Inquisition, coalitions against Jews, Moslems and Protestants, the League of Nations, the United Nations as well as, the legal and economic ties between all countries...

We must prepare for the changes taking place now and in the immediate future...

check Zechariah 12-14

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