

"Guardian of the Planet of Life, I am Sailorearth. In the name of the planet Earth, I will punish you!"

Name: Tochi Koeta

Definition: Rich Earth

Age: 15

Birthday: May 10

Sign: Taurus

Ruling Planet: The Earth

Bloodtype: A

Hair: Waist length dark brown

Eyes: Blue

Hobbies: Gardening, enviromentalist

Likes: Roses, foxes and other animals

Dislikes: People who harm the enviroment, Kurai

Strength: Loyalty

Weakness: Stubborn

A little bit about her: Koeta is best friends with Hikaru. As Sailorearth, she is second in command and tends to lead when Sailorsun doesn't want to... which is most of the time. She is stubborn, and tends to not take others advice... Except Hikaru's.

Fuku: Her fuku is mainly brown, with green bows. Her brooch is circular, and brown, as is her tiara gem. Her shoes are knee high lace up boots(Much like those of Sailorjupiter.)

Henshin: Earth Star Power, Make Up-She holds her hand up, and her fingernails glow brown as her henshin wand appears and spins. She then catches it, as the symbol of the Earth spirals outwards. She is then glowing brown, as tendrils of green energy wrap up around her like vines, leaving her transformed.

Powers: Flower Hurricane-She crosses her arms over her chest, and summons a storm of rose petaslw hich blinds and confuses the enemy. Elemental Storm-Holds up her hand, a globe of energy forming. She then throws it at her enemy, and they are caught in a storm of elemental fury.

{Sailorsun | Sailorchibisun | Warriorsun | Sailorearth | Sailornemesis | Sailorerebus | Sailoraurora}